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What is the ETA on the invasion?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:35 am
by paradise
On the main Ryzom web-site under the Chronicles section there is a speech from Mynas warning us of an invasion.

Well, as a ranged fighter, I took the following line seriously.

"Go to your cities, and prepare your defenses. I will have further news for you as I find it, but for now I urge you. Gather your guilds, send out your harvesters, and supply well your crafters. Every skilled hand will be essential to our victory."

I don't mean to sound selfish, but I have a 2 packers full of launcher ammo mats, another packer and apartment full of my other gear. I am preety much deadlocked (I can't do anything in the game but level), as I dont' have any space to store any new harvested or quartered materials.

I, therefore, have to ask. Is this invasions for real? When is it going to come?

Re: What is the ETA on the invasion?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:37 am
by xcomvic
so you really plan on taking a few packers on an event?

Re: What is the ETA on the invasion?

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 3:54 pm
by Takashi
"Well done homin. That is the sort of action that will win us this war. As for right now, I can not say what the kitin are doing. They have stopped their advance, and although they are in place to strike, I have seen no movement to do so. It is still a lingering threat, although perhaps less immediate than I had thought. I will keep you informed, homin, when I know more, but that is all I can say for now.
In Unity"