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Parry Armor

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:31 am
by perrako
If anyone can make me q100 heavy armor with SOME parry bonus, I'd be appreciative. Please do not sacrifice protection too much though.

Re: Parry Armor

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:52 am
by xcomvic
i want that too :) q110-q120 with HP

Re: Parry Armor

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:01 pm
by zenoelea
Yeah I've seen this request poping up on the boards here and there so I did some research. To date I haven't seen or heard of a harvest materials with Parry bonuses. But I checked some sights and found the following animal materials all that have the highest Parry Modifiers:

Armor Clip: Najab Fang (Only heard up to Choice being found)/ Ocyx Fang (Supreme Quality)

Stuffing: Kirosta Tail (only heard of up to Fine)

Armor Shell: Ocyx shell or hide or something (Supreme)

If you can aquire this wish list at close to the quality you want these should give allow any crafter to make a max or almost maxed suit of heavy or medium. Note you want all of the materials to be as close to Supreme as possible to get the best, also there may be high quality ones of the things like stuffing keep your eyes open.

Re: Parry Armor

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:20 pm
by zenoelea
Oh and I recommend getting all the materials I listed in Choice or better since fine and basic materials just don't have enough points and most crafters have materials that can match them. I really recommend hunting the Ocyx whatever the hell that is, becuase it has the only materials with the maxed out modifier and high quality.

Re: Parry Armor

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:52 pm
by bodywand
You can add Kiban Ligaments for Armor clips and Tyrancha and Kizoar shells for Armor shells.

Re: Parry Armor

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:50 am
by basicart
Or just get me to make ya some but only upto Q110 ya hear hehe.
Just pm me in game and if aint busy and got me mats ill pop over.

Re: Parry Armor

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:58 pm
by gddss
zenoelea wrote:Oh and I recommend getting all the materials I listed in Choice or better since fine and basic materials just don't have enough points and most crafters have materials that can match them. I really recommend hunting the Ocyx whatever the hell that is, becuase it has the only materials with the maxed out modifier and high quality.
I think I found another mat that will do. I think it's a timari tooth or something like that and is for lining.

Re: Parry Armor

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:55 am
by ilthor
I can do the armor for u, if mats are provided... If you come to my location at the time > free of charge (would like to see how it works out :)


P.S. - if u want i can search for mats for you, but that would make it one expensive armor..

Re: Parry Armor

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 2:10 pm
by phase2
go kill skellop and nekuthus in dyron for some great protect factor and parry mats. unfortunatly these are race specific mats and would only be able to be used to craft fyros armour.

Re: Parry Armor

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:47 pm
by wahlaneh
yep i agree the answer to parry armor is skellop skellop skellop skellop! can't stress it more hehe, max parry, the other stats are even and nice too. but dont go for parry armor til u hit the high 100s, use like med are or light armor for now, u will only really need the protection and parry wen u are at that lvl. In any case, skellop drops 200q mats, so unless your guild has plenty to spare, should wait.