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Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:37 pm
by sk8rss
I'm looking for trips from zorai going anywhere! I really want to visit other lands and see the area there, but I'm at too low of a level right now to do it on my own or with a small group. If anyone is interested leave a reply and we'll get together a time and date. Thanks a bunch!

Re: Trips!

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 6:36 pm
by gddss
I would like to see more trips as well. The ones we've had have been great and lots of fun. However I still have yet to make it to Fyros and would love to try. I also have friends who would like to try to get to Matis and Zorai as well that either couldn't or didn't make it on previous trips.

Re: Trips!

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:21 pm
by grandma
there will always be trips across lands...however it's impossible to get EVERYONE to every place...if you miss out on a trip, it's not because there aren't enough trips.

i post all our public trips on this forum, and on our calendar...i also post other people's public trips that are posted on this forum on our calendar.


my suggestion is just to keep your eyes open for trips...not everyone is going to be able to make the times for the trips that are planned...but don't fault that one those that plan the trips because not everyone plays at the same time, keep a watch on the forums and if you can..try and be on when the trips are planned.

Re: Trips!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:04 pm
by uncus
I agree! Please someone sponsor a trip to Pyr! Hey, it's not like I haven't tried sneaking, both in fall and in winter so far..maxing dp many times over each attempt...

Re: Trips!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 5:13 pm
by sk8rss
uncus wrote:I agree! Please someone sponsor a trip to Pyr! Hey, it's not like I haven't tried sneaking, both in fall and in winter so far..maxing dp many times over each attempt...
Exactly, sneaking is not gonna work...I get my bum beat every time! Someone's really gotta get a tell to me ingame if you feel like escorting a level 5*-6* fighter to pyr preferrably, but ANYTHING will do! I'd actually probably also be able to rally other people to come with! Name's Liquado. I'll be setting that up in my signature right after I post this!