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Error : Selectet shard is not availabull

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:20 am
by quintess
Are u patching the server again ????
if so WHY is server s OPEN when i check server status ?

Re: Error : Selectet shard is not availabull

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:34 am
by linze
quintess wrote:Are u patching the server again ????
if so WHY is server s OPEN when i check server status ?
If you look in the Announcements Forum you will see that yes indeed there is a patch and server hardware upgrade.

Re: Error : Selectet shard is not availabull

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:35 am
by philu
Yes it is being patched. Why don't you try reading the forums/news?

I guees they figured it was more important to get the servers patched and back up than to update the server status on the website?

Re: Error : Selectet shard is not availabull

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:38 am
by quintess
Quote : If you look in the Announcements Forum you will see that yes indeed there is a patch and server hardware upgrade.

i shuld not have to look at anouncments to find out that the server is down..Thats what the SERVER STATUS link is for.
This problem starts at Error : Selectet shard is not availabull.
if it had sayed Server is curently being Patched try again later..
Wuld not have this problem P

Re: Error : Selectet shard is not availabull

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:45 am
by linze
quintess wrote:Quote : If you look in the Announcements Forum you will see that yes indeed there is a patch and server hardware upgrade.

i shuld not have to look at anouncments to find out that the server is down..Thats what the SERVER STATUS link is for.
This problem starts at Error : Selectet shard is not availabull.
if it had sayed Server is curently being Patched try again later..
Wuld not have this problem P
And the Live Klients support room is where to ask questions and get answers right away as there are always GMs and Guides there.

Re: Error : Selectet shard is not availabull

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:13 pm
by philu
quintess wrote:Quote : If you look in the Announcements Forum you will see that yes indeed there is a patch and server hardware upgrade.

i shuld not have to look at anouncments to find out that the server is down..Thats what the SERVER STATUS link is for.
This problem starts at Error : Selectet shard is not availabull.
if it had sayed Server is curently being Patched try again later..
Wuld not have this problem P
If you mean on the actual log on screen for the game then I agree that it shouldn't say it is open when it isn't. That's definately a bug.

My point though was that I'm sick of people spamming the forums with messages along the lines of "is the server down", "why can't I get on" etc. when all they have to do is read the announcements and any other number of posts about upcoming patches.

And OF COURSE you should read the announcements! How else are you going to keep up to date with upcoming events/patches etc?????

If you had read the announcements/posts you wouldn't have wasted your time even BOTHERING to log on today! :)

Re: Error : Selectet shard is not availabull

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:37 pm
by pudas
OK so the shard is down. That is all fine and well. But is it so terribly difficult to tell everybody that under serverstatus on the homepage. How hard can it be? Now I realize that one can't trust what it says in server status, which sucks...big time, concidering the difficulty of the problem. And it was the same thing last down time.

Improvement please!!!

Re: Error : Selectet shard is not availabull

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:59 pm
by soulbear
The shard is open, for patching, so you dont have to patch when the shard opens for playing.. it's just soooooo much faster :)

Re: Error : Selectet shard is not availabull

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:17 pm
by grom1234
I must say that this is one of those little things that make a game have a solid, through and through well programed/constructed feel to it.. It is a very simple thing to do so why not do it? I think we can all agree that the 'server status' link should not say 'server up' if you can't actually log in and play. Having to go to a forum and read a bunch of messages should imho not be needed, it's not a huge deal, just one of those that makes the overall feel of/for the game just a little bit better, and every little bit counts! :)

Another one of those little things is for example sometimes when i use the self heal the game gives me some weird message like <>, i mean i know what it's 'supposed' to say so i don't really care but it certainly doesn't make the game any better now does it? Well that's just my two cents.. take care out there, it's a dangerous world
