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Crafting across 4 races

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:47 am
by gaspode1
I think one of the things I most enjoy about Ryzom is how thought provoking it is!

Anyway, my next question which I'm sure some helpful people out there will know the answer to is:-

Crafting, particularly of weapons & armour, seems to have a similar item list across all 4 races. There may be exceptions to this as I have not done an exhaustive comparative study. Any exceptions may or may not be important.

I assume that cosmetically the items for the 4 races all look different - is my assumption correct?

However, in principle, in terms of stats, is a Zorai light armour sleeve the same as a Tryker, or any other races, light armour sleeve (obviously, I mean for a given quality created using a given set of materials).

I've only just started crafting so I'm trying to get my head round whether particular items for any particular races can be considered 'best' in some way and I should therefore try and craft those items. If differences are purely cosmetic then I will have different reasons for picking whatever I decide to craft.

Hope I've explained the issue clearly & look forward to hearing from the world & it's cousin as to how it hangs together.

Re: Crafting across 4 races

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:56 am
by wak313
I am a low level crafter at this point but a high level forager - however i was lucky enough to be given a Fine Matis q80 Heavy armour set.
Visually it looks great, its black and very "showy"
However my Choice Fyros q80 Heavy armour set has the SAME stats.
Yet my Fine Fyros q80 Heavy armour set has LOWER stats...

This doesnt prove anything, as allthough one is fine and the other choice... i dont know what materials where used in that could be the problem.


Re: Crafting across 4 races

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:01 am
by wak313
Sorry double entry.

Re: Crafting across 4 races

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:10 am
by borg9
I will try to keep the complex subject of crafting as simple as possible.

All item types eg light sleeves for each of the different races have the same stats for IDENTICAL items.

eg Tryker light sleeves made with 3 x Choice Shu Fibre + 3 x Moon Resin + 1 x choice Koolin Oil + 1 x choice Visc Sap are Identical to Zorai sleeves made with the same mats. (Provided both are also the same QL eg 50)

What effects that stats of a crafted item is the material used and ql made.

Any Homin can make any item. To make a different race item you will need to buy from a trainer in that races land a starter pack (50 sp), additional crafting skill to the ql you want to make and the plans.

Things to note ....

Basic and Fine mats can be used on any plan for any race by anyone.
Choice, Excellent, Supreme are race specific (except Prime roots), which mean Jungle mats can only be used on Zorai armour.

If your a Tryker making Matis armour with choice or above mats, you will need forest mats.

Hope this helps.

Re: Crafting across 4 races

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:20 am
by gaspode1
Thanks borg - exactly what I was wanting to find out & your supplementary info about using higher grade mats has, no doubt, saved me confusion later. Many thanks.

Re: Crafting across 4 races

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:19 am
by hvwicked
I'm pretty sure you don't need Craft Start pack for 50sp. Just buy the appropriate Craft skills and Plans (Matis Shield Craft 1-10 and a Shield plan to make Matis shileds q100 for example). At least i didnt need to buy the starter pack.
Imho thats only neccessary if you dont have any crafting and are just starting crafting...

Re: Crafting across 4 races

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:44 am
by borg9
hvwicked wrote:I'm pretty sure you don't need Craft Start pack for 50sp. Just buy the appropriate Craft skills and Plans (Matis Shield Craft 1-10 and a Shield plan to make Matis shileds q100 for example). At least i didnt need to buy the starter pack.
Imho thats only neccessary if you dont have any crafting and are just starting crafting...

You need a starter pack when you first start crafting a DIFFERENT RACE set.

You can craft you own race stuff upto the skill level you have bought at you own race trainers.

If you start a new race set you have to start again :( the crafting 'armour skill' for Zoria, Tryker, Matis and Tryker are different.

For example you can be level 40 armour crafter....

You can buy 5 x armour crafting (own race) for 25 sp each.
You can buy 5 x armour crafting (another race) for 50sp + 4 x that race armour crafting for 25 sp each.

Plans will only work under that races crafting skill.

say your a hvy armour crafter of all races (armour crafting lvl 40, chosen for simplicity)

Own race (say Tryker) = 5 x 25sp = 125sp for the armour crafting skill lvl5 (ql50).
Plans BASIC look Tryker (Helm, sleeves, vest, pants, gloves, boots) = 6 x 30sp = 180sp for all hvy plans.

Total 305 sp

you travel to Matis to buy armour crafting skills.....

Other race (Matis) = 1 x 50 sp (starter pack) + 4 x 25sp = 150sp for lvl5 (ql50).
Plans BASIC look Matis (Helm, sleeves, vest, pants, gloves, boots) = 6 x 30sp = 180sp for all hvy plans.

Total 330 sp

Overall skill point spent 635 or 64 lvls in crafting.

you travel to Fyros to buy armour crafting skills.....

Other race (Fyros) = 1 x 50 sp (starter pack) + 4 x 25sp = 150sp for lvl5 (ql50).
Plans BASIC look Fryos (Helm, sleeves, vest, pants, gloves, boots) = 6 x 30sp = 180sp for all hvy plans.

Total 330 sp

Overall skill point spent 965 or 97 lvls in crafting.

At level 50 you qualify for MEDIUM look plans @ 40 sp per plan.

At level 150 in a specific branch you qualify for that branches plan (eg lvl 150 hvy helm crafting = High quality look plan for helm ONLY)

to make a set of HIGH QUALITY LOOK HEAVY you will need to have reached 150 in all six hvy armour branches.

HIGH QUALITY to is very very very special for this reason. I respect any crafter that can make these items, however they achieve it!

Re: Crafting across 4 races

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:23 am
by drizzeth
Im happy to say i made it last week to make all my stuff high quality or electric, (zorai medium armor and electric mace and high q sword)

After that i made a world trip to get all the continents with the help of some truely great friends! :D

So now i was at te point of thinking about buying high quality gear of other races:

i currently have 6 branches at 150, jewels 70-70-101-75-75-75 and range craft 71 or something, this has me now a surplus of 3880 skill points in craft so i went calculating:

you need the craft skills for another race from start on, so thats for q130 (max non failure q at level 150) 13x25 sp, add melee crafting as well, 13x25 sp and both added will be:
650 sp (thats only the skills to craft, no single plan yet)
add low, med and high armor plans for full 5 part suit: 600 sp

so to start another race and buy a complete 5 part high suit: 1250 sp
add 2 race specific weaps: another 100 sp (you dont need the the low plans for a race specific plan)
add 2 races high q plans for weaps; 240 sp

comes dow to if i want to make the same stuff n another race as i do now f zorai it will take: 1570 sp

So i could take that from 2 races and in time all 3 races, but it will be an expensive hobby to craft all races specific items.

Also i can have been making some terrible math errors, lets say im not the math wizard lol :P but this should be a good indication of the skill points costs

-note: please dont contact me for crafting orders, i dont craft commercially, not high q anyway, its slavery to get it, and at that point, money is no value, so it comes down to high quality is too much work to just give away to people.

Re: Crafting across 4 races

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:43 pm
by hvwicked
borg9 wrote:You need a starter pack when you first start crafting a DIFFERENT RACE set.
True, but that only applies to armorcraft, others are just as your own race crafts...
Forgot to mention that im fyros..
