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We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:35 am
by tetra
Two weeks ago, there was an event on the mainland where the mobs were rather well spread out. Respawn was generally not overaly fast, nowhere near as fast as today's respawn. Certain tools are needed for these raids to be handled properly.
* The ability to designate raid leaders.
* The ability to have healers be able to load everyone into their team display window. A healer is utterly useless if they can't heal someone.... and with 40 people, the odds are very good that the person needing healing is not someone in that healer's group.
* The ability to shift players around in the team window. Yes the half second it takes to move from the bottom to the top is meaningful.
* Not having the target become unselected when they die or get rezzed. I can't tell you how many times someone was killed and left a corpse because they died>rezzed>died>rezzed>died>rezzed cause a bunch of lower level healers were trying to rez someone.
* We need the ability to link groups together for raid groups. These groups need to have their own chat channel.
* We need the ability to set any person as a compas target and have them stay the compas target.
* We need to have the ability to set "distance from me" on the group member's window by right clicking and enabling/disabling for each member of the group/raidgroup.
* We need the ability to set Shout as the default channel.
* Other things I missed
Re: We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:15 am
by mrshad
"* Not having the target become unselected when they die or get rezzed. I can't tell you how many times someone was killed and left a corpse because they died>rezzed>died>rezzed>died>rezzed cause a bunch of lower level healers were trying to rez someone."
Can we get this at the very top of the list?
The other ideas are really good to, but this is irratating all the time, not just during raids.
Re: We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:53 am
by piknik2
Speaking of bug fixes for raids. Could we get the bug fixed with the party leader showing up as someone different on everyone's machine. Players get disconnected and or lose group all the time and it's impossible to tell who's leader to bring the party back in form.
Oooo ooo and the lag from tells plz.. thx

Re: We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:44 am
by lyrah68
what an AMAZING list of clear cogent and reasonable requests!!!
I can feel your passion and frustration, but somehow, you found the resolve or whatever it took to keep your cool and state CLEARLY and concisely what would truly help with raids.
I think healers should be able to register in a raid, they would then get ALL the other participants info bars. I would like to see EACH raid participant get an F key assosiated to them or something similar to the Hands bar. SOME way to ONE button target them, without the point and click. YES! sometimes less than a tenth of a second is the difference between Kitin food and victorious. And surely this game is something more intensive than Galaga or other reflexes game! (I felt like I was playing a Frogger game from HELL trying to get from Thesos to Yrk).
I think that it would REALLY be nice to be able to list ALL of guild, by levels, RACE(in game DUH), statis in guild(to include guilds crafting/foraging/melee/mage coordinator/chief officer etc, ALL statis departments officer or leader decided but with a NIFTY list of defaults or ideas(let's face it, there is GOING to be a leader in every guild...or it isn't much of a it, same thing for top officers, and officers).
I would like to have the ability to portal our packers(not raid related, but the WHINES in region since the nerf have been DEAFENING, and not all of the whiners are prone to such moanings, quite to the contrary).
Re: We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:25 pm
by wayas
i would really want:
bigger teams
and keep selection when healing ppl
team leader in different color
Re: We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:20 pm
by cryss
Although it would require the most discipline from the players, a raid-leader should be the first to be implemented.
What the heck is the raid engine of use if we are not able to organize ourselves?
Re: We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:20 pm
by ixils
The ability to /promote people in a group to leader status would make a hella difference in the ability to get people into groups too.
If the devs want to see a good grouping system they need only look to Horizons for an excellent example. While Horizons had/has a lot of problems its grouping and chat system are the tops in my opinion of any game out there.
Re: We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:32 pm
by thexdane
cryss wrote:Although it would require the most discipline from the players, a raid-leader should be the first to be implemented.
What the heck is the raid engine of use if we are not able to organize ourselves?
good idea but it can really suck if you have some wanker that can't lead and just shots "come to me" 50 billion times also you'd have to have consensus as to who would lead and i doubt you'd get that
i do agree there needs to be a better leaderdship in this game
my suggestion is this. set up groups like a cell run group
here's how it works
get one general
have a group with the leaders of the groups
have those leaders lead a group
Re: We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:04 am
by memiki
Humm Every event I have been on there has been a leader and I might add a very good leader.
Unfortunately there is always some people that do not want to listen, and decide to hit things that by now they should know not to hit. What reason is there to hit gnoffs, or yelks or any herbervoid.
When someone is kind enough to give their time to lead an event, it would be very considered of everyone to pay attention. If you would rather wander around then do it else where and not around an event.
If anyone thinks they can lead better than I would suggest they plan an event of their own and do it.
The leader has to keep trying to keep people up front and together so we are not trailed out for miles behind. It is very hard to run to the back to save ones that are in the back part.
I am sure anytime anyone would like to schedule an event if they think they can do it better would be more than welcome to try it.
It is very hard to keep a group of different age, different personalities, different ideas on what they want to do, all going in the same direction.
I do not envy anyone who does it. I would not do it.
I would like a better system for healing. other than members of my team I have a terrible time unless I am standing on the person to heal them. I stand there confused as to who to heal first.
Tetra your post was very well written and thought out.
Re: We *must* have the tools needed for mass events to not be a cluster****
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:12 am
by raynes
The only problem with having a designated leader, is how do you pick who it is? And how do you make sure that events and raids don't become a things where a few people and their friends are always the ones who end up in the lead positions?