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There is hope for stray Mektoubs

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:06 pm
by lorgerol
For those of you whose Mektoub got teleported to a foreign land during Patch 1, there is still hope. Today, Soulsnatcher (Senior GM) was kind enough to teleport my Mektoub back to Fairhaven, where it belongs. Just wanted to let you know that it CAN be done, technically speaking.

I suggest that if you are suffering from this problem, send in a few tickets, and eventually someone will contact you. Be courteous, and be patient. I am sure there are lot of people with this problem, and only a few GMs who have far too many things on their hands.

Keep up the good work, CSR team!

Re: There is hope for stray Mektoubs

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:07 am
by pcheez
Of course it can be done, GMs possess supernatural powers. I hear if u look one in the eye for too long, you turn into a jelly bean o.O or was it stone... ill get back to you on that :p

Re: There is hope for stray Mektoubs

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:01 am
by kibsword
I heard they go mad and get annoyed at you for that. Also they start doing weird dances, and if its Phae she'll start hitting on you Oo

I'm taken Phae for the last time :)

Re: There is hope for stray Mektoubs

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:12 pm
by sx4rlet
kibsword wrote:and if its Phae she'll start hitting on you Oo
Mommy never hits hard...
And if you ask her nicely she is always ready to help :P


Re: There is hope for stray Mektoubs

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:08 pm
by philu