Clan Omnis
Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 1:31 am
As some of you may have noticed, Clan Omnis is now under new management. After a short and bloody coup, we have thrown off the shackles of oppression and become a democratic guild; our leaders directly before the split have now declared themselves outlaws, but are still on cordial terms with us who remained. The original powers that be however, have been thrown out and their so-called Matis Clan Omnis is no longer deemed to be on friendly terms with us; they are not to be considered part of Clan Omnis in any way, shape, or form. Sadly, the leaving of many members, and some looting on the way out has left the guild reduced in size and wealth, but our resolve and determination to live up to the original aims of Clan Omnis is greater than ever. We are in the process of electing a new leader, and are now open to new members.
*RP bit over*
Basically speaking in addition to what is said up there ^^ the Outlaw guild (led by Zenchi and made up mostly of ex-CO members) still supports us, as do our allies in the Grand Alliance (see my sig for a link). We are now aiming to be as democratically run as possible and, for the time being at least, we are open to all players with (or with the aim and possibility of) positive Kami fame. This may change in the future if we get large enough or w/e to support non-kami players. Updates will follow as soon as they develop.
NOTE:Also I would like to say that MCO are probably a very nice bunch of people, just don't get us started on them
Apparently some of you are going up to them and calling them evil; thats not nice you know ;p
*RP bit over*
Basically speaking in addition to what is said up there ^^ the Outlaw guild (led by Zenchi and made up mostly of ex-CO members) still supports us, as do our allies in the Grand Alliance (see my sig for a link). We are now aiming to be as democratically run as possible and, for the time being at least, we are open to all players with (or with the aim and possibility of) positive Kami fame. This may change in the future if we get large enough or w/e to support non-kami players. Updates will follow as soon as they develop.
NOTE:Also I would like to say that MCO are probably a very nice bunch of people, just don't get us started on them