zumwalt wrote:
Take Vx3, OOC and PF for instance, we do alot of joint efforts, but in the PvP defintions as to how there architecturing it, we would all be killing each other during the movement do to bomb attacks, spray attacks, etc.
Good point....
PvP - my thoughts ....
Two sides to every coin.
I initial saw the PvP in roots with the following reaction, 'OMG that's not good, I am going to get PK'd while harvesting those lovely supreme black and white mats!'
Then I read a load of the post for and against PvP and PvP areas.
Then I had a good think about it......
My thoughts so far:
PvP areas
I am a harvester that wants to harvest in the roots, an open PvP area. I get a 250m warning about approaching players. I can see who is in my region using /who. My fear is that I will be killed before I can react.
Option 1: Speed + Invulnerability
As used for opening many a portal, unknown blue dot and a name you don't recognise. Hit these two and drag a handy group of PR mobs onto this 'enemy'.
Option 2: Speed + Magic protection aura
You will at least have some extra time to equip.
Option 3: Teleport out
If they can hit you in 15 secs you lose, otherwise you survive.
Option 4: Guild call
Make sure your guild fighters/magic users have the same teleport tickets that you as a harvester have. Now they don't need to hang around, they can hunt anywhere in Ayts and are 15 secs away at any time.
Send a call out on the guild channel and give the Pker a suprise.
I think what I am trying to say is that should Open PvP be implemented in any area, there are solutions.
When patrols and gate keepers were implemented there was an initial uproar about it, but I see as many people harvesting the roots as before if not even more. We defeated this challenge, we have defeated the attempts to stop inter-land travel.
Lone harvesters have an increased chance of death in the roots.
Potential 'gankers' and 'Pkers' who intend only on spoiling other peoples fun.
Guilds MUST get more organised and protective.
A new mob type will have been added that is scarier than the Patrols.
Yet again the world of Atys will become more dangerous.
Interest issues.
Two people, with high fame with a tribe, attack each other. Does the tribe try to defend the victim?
Can enemy players be seen on the radar as enemies? Enemies list a bit like the friends list that effect to dot colour of the radar.
PvP attacks and spells need to be very balanced.
What will the rules on greifing be in PvP areas? Will there be any rules? Will trailing mobs be a tactic or abuse?
Is this what the majority of players want for the game? Or are you planning on having your player base change to different type of game and attract a new player base?
Just some thoughts.