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PvP idea...

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:28 pm
by zach911
Hey guys. I came from playing Starwars Galaxies, and I thought they did a great job with their PvP system. How it went, was once you got enough faction to either rebel or imperial, you could join either side. Than you choose if you wanted to be overt or covert. Overt meant everyone could see what side you were on. So, at any time, you could be attacked by the other side. Covert meant nobody except people on your side could tell what you were. However, if you grouped up with an overt, you could help him figt another overt as long as he engaged the enemy first or the battle was taking place. After the battle, for a few hours, you would be overt. They had certain items you could buy with faction points, and there were some vehicle etc. I think Ryzom could go along the line of that and change the gameplay very little for those who wish to stay neutral.