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Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:03 pm
by evryn
*post deleted*

sorry, i posted this in the wrong forum, please disregard

Re: misleading free trial?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:07 pm
by saeri
evryn wrote:Heya. I got the free trial over the weekend and have enjoyed playing the game enough to consider buying it. But your webpage is misleading in what I would need to do in order to make this fully registered.
one page says "As a special Xmas promotion, players who purchase the game during their trial willl be charged just $29.99, instead of the retail price of $49.99." at the bottom.
another page says "To play the Saga of Ryzom, you have to buy a box of the game, and then register your copy."

If I buy a box of the game, how will the store that I go to, know to only charge me 29.99?
Could an Admin tell me what I need to do for this promotion?
You will only be charged $29.99 if you want to just convert your free trial account into a registered account.

You can cancel your free trial if you want and buy the game from a shop and get your free 30 days.