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How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:03 pm
by raynes
I have decided to play a total harvester. So what level should I go to in combat before it's safe to head to the mainland?

Re: How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:11 pm
by korin77
raynes wrote:I have decided to play a total harvester. So what level should I go to in combat before it's safe to head to the mainland?
You should get your fight level to at least 20 with good armor before you go to mainland. The stuff there can kill anything lower pretty fast.

Re: How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:22 pm
by rolander
I'm new to the game and am interested in harvesting myself, but can harvesting or crafting be primary skills? It seems to me that for self-preservation they would have to be secondary to fighting or magic. True or not?

Re: How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:25 pm
by korin77
rolander wrote:I'm new to the game and am interested in harvesting myself, but can harvesting or crafting be primary skills? It seems to me that for self-preservation they would have to be secondary to fighting or magic. True or not?
You can harvest around a town and in reach of the guards and never need to go out further. I don't know if there are special harvest spots farther from town that are better but you certainly can make harvesting your primary skill. It is a good way to build up a base of funds before trying anything else.

Re: How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 5:35 pm
by edoughty
I was reading the manual while I was installing / patching and there was a section in there talking about the "prime root", basically a bunch of underground caverns. They said that there are materials there that cannot be found anywhere else on Atys. This makes me think that some of the higher level / more rare materials may be out in the boonies. If so, I like the sound of that. Making a dangerous expedition into hostile territory in search of rare materials sounds pretty cool. I guess you'd either need decent fighting ability or an armed escort.

Re: How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:00 pm
by sledge11
I was wondering about that also.

When I looked at the harvesting missions, there were some requiring wood and other materials not seen close to the starter town.

Once I ran out of town, I did manage to come upon critters that would attack first and ask questions later over my extremely dead corpse.

Should harvesting be strictly a sideline with a fighter?

Lightbringer to the world of Ryzom

Re: How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:18 pm
by korin77
You can find wood and otherstuff right by town also. You just need to get the basic prospecting skill to find your own sources. As you get more better prospecting skill the better stuff you find.

Re: How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:24 pm
by Cilar
Harvesting is a difficult art :)
I advise you this fantastic guide for harvesters : ... wforum&f=4

Re: How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:14 pm
by korin77
Cilar wrote:Harvesting is a difficult art :)
I advise you this fantastic guide for harvesters : ... wforum&f=4
That guide is kind of confusing for beginners, and it doesn't explain how you would use the resource tracking for different types of prospecting which Im still trying to figure out.

Re: How high of a level in combat should I go?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:30 pm
by Fred1l1
Heh i found it very helpful and im a pretty nub harvester :)