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Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 8:47 am
by borg9
This a a little tale as I have see some posts describing Ryzom as a Trial and Error game:

Experience: defined as leasons learned from doing something.

Eg Hit finger with a hammer, learn that it is painful to hit you finger with a hammer.

Wisdon: defined as learning from the experience of others or yourself.

Eg Watch you friend hit thier finger with a hammer, hear their screams, decide not to hit your own finger with a hammer.

Ok, if you the first to do something 'experience' maybe your only option, but its always worth checking that you are really the First. Someone else may have some wisdom that you can learn from.

In game and life for that fact, you can choose, experience vs wisdom!

If I gain the experience of the pain of the hammer blow, I would be wise not to do it again. You may want to try using the hammer differently, or not holding the nail with you hand.

The point of this is gain WISDOM.

Turn all you 'bad' experiences in to 'good' wisdom.

So to all who are struggling, look to the wise ..... they will stop you making the same mistakes they made .... they will make you life easier .... soon you will be as wise as they are. When this time comes you will have the opertunitues to get some experience of your own, which you can pass on to others as wisdom.

We all start with nothing.
We all learned what need to be done.
How we learned effects our view.

If we are told, the task appears easy.

Be wise!

armed with others wisdom, you are ready to tackle the world and the pain of your own experiences is less.


Repeating the same thing that does work or hurts, will not eventually make it work.
Think before you act, ask others.
Wisdom is free, Experience costs.

Re: Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:30 am
by vin99
hehe neun how do you come up with this stuff :D

*gives neun a big chunk of cheese for his good storytelling*

Re: Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:38 am
by xorte
Stand on the shoulders of Giants

Re: Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:49 am
by borg9
vin99 wrote:hehe neun how do you come up with this stuff :D

*gives neun a big chunk of cheese for his good storytelling*

A whole load of EXPERIENCE :P

I watch other, make mistakes :P
I make loads of mistakes :P

I learn! The reason ryzom has me so hooked even after 11 month of playing is that it still has suprises and things for me to learn.

I welcome the new stuff they sneak in unannounced ....

EQ type raid events - Bodkin in matis!
Scripted raids - never feature in any Beta

just to mention only two.

I love it when new people send me tells asking questions..... Some of the questions have generated some wonder full ideas....

** Off topic

Kaboom - can you send me (Forum PM) a Balance requirement list for Launchers ql10-ql60ish and how much will you charge me for a bulk order of about 7 or 8 of them?

** On topic

To make a mistake once, is unlucky, to repeat it is stupidity!

Re: Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:57 am
by vin99
Neun your a ghost... get me the mats and ill get you what you want.

i also like helping new players around btw :D

Re: Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:35 am
by hivewasp
borg9 wrote:Eg Watch you friend hit thier finger with a hammer, hear their screams, decide not to hit your own finger with a hammer.

Only because you already have the experience that scream = pain = not fun. It's the same as hitting your finger with a hammer, except it's a second degree experience :)

Re: Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 12:02 pm
by borg9
hivewasp wrote:Only because you already have the experience that scream = pain = not fun. It's the same as hitting your finger with a hammer, except it's a second degree experience :)
:D but someone told me that scream = pain.

Got very confused with an old girl friend of mine tho ;)

She screamed, I stopped, she complained!

So another pearl of Neun's Wisdom.... Sometime with all the wisdom in the world, there is no subsitute for a bit of experience of your own :D

Re: Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 12:12 pm
by vaynen
*hits finger with hammer*

Re: Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 12:26 pm
by borg9
vaynen wrote:*hits finger with hammer*
Did it hurt?

Re: Wisdom vs Experience

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 12:47 pm
by weiseman
dunno if it did hurt, but looks like he can't type anymore :p