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does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:17 pm
by xorte

When do people play Ryzom and how do they get around their partner screaming "Get off the computer" all the time?

I work 8 hours a day and travel 2 hours each way to work, by the time I get home I have about 3-4 hours a night in the weekday to do stuff. If I want to sit and watch tv thats fine - but if I want to go in the computer room and play Ryzom I get yelled at after about an hour or so ! But by this time I have usually just hit a really good part of the game - like I found a great team to join or I am almost to the next level.

On the weekend I have till about 11am everyday as thats when my other half gets up. After that I have no chance - I have to wash and cook and clean...

She has made it clear she is not interested in playing it either !! or in me playing it !! hehe !

Does anyone else have these problems and what is the solution !

Phew !


Re: does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:26 pm
by kibsword
solution: divorce and find a more "appriciative woman" :D

Re: does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:32 pm
by pentigon
have one full night for your gf.

take her out on that night for a meal pics or wat ever ;)

just so she know you still love her and u dont love the pc more ;)

Re: does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:24 pm
by kostika
My husband I both play. Lucky him.

Re: does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:29 pm
by bullough
kibsword wrote:solution: divorce and find a more "appriciative woman" :D
hahaha good one

Re: does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:32 pm
by pcheez
1. Devote 1-2 days (usually weekends) to your significant other.

2. Devote a portion of every night , or every other night to your significant other ;)

3. Attempt to lure them into the MMO world the same way you would lure them into any other habit.

4. There is always divorce/breaking up.

Well since i fail # 3 and 4, #1 and 2 work like a charm :D

Re: does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:36 pm
by glipe
My gf rocks! All my friends are extremely jealous because she's a gamer like myself. This is all well and good but she spends more time on SoR than I do! I have trouble getting online at all when she's around because she is so addicted! So count your blessings, the grass is always greener on the other side but only because large quantities of natural fertiliser have been deposited there.

Re: does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:57 pm
by futhwo
Be happy,i am with u :)
Luckily my gf works on turn,so when she works from 14.00 to midnight i have some time to play :p other weeks i am lucky if i can get 2 hours straight of playing....but i don't blame her,i am so kool tnat i understand she wants my attentions all the time :p

Re: does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:31 pm
by lazarus
Wait until you've been married as long as me, cos by then they're glad for anything that gets you out of their way for a couple of hours :-)

Typical conversation in my house...

Me: "So, you had a good day at work?" (followed by random chat from me for a bit)

Her: "Yes dear, why don't you go and play on the computer until dinner's ready?" (which directly translates to "get out of here and stop bugging me")

Of course, if I really want to get away and she wants 'quality time' together, I just start getting a little frisky. Guaranteed method to get her to send me packing...

Re: does your partner like Ryzom?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:21 am
by hans1976
Now what is all this talk about gf's, having a wife and what more.
Is this serious? Are there really people in this world that actually have a relationship that works (one way or the other).


It is not that I am jealous or something, it is just... Well, okee, I am.

Currently I am in the tenious process of divorce and SoR is a very nice distractor from every day life. Although I think it would be nice if someone was around to tell me to get off the computer, because she wants me as something warm to snuggle up against.

To the guy with the SoR gf: BUY ANOTHER COMPUTER! Yes, those were caps. Man, if I had a girl like that, I would really run to the store, so we could team or better: duel.

Now, back to the game.