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Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:36 pm
by pcheez
The kami event a few days ago was fun , but was quite a disaster.
Many people who begun the long and tedious journey left because they had no more patience for the groups acting like excited 5 year olds charging at anything in sight and getting flattened.
People must realize that these events are aimed towards the higher level players and should have noticed that when the mobs killed low levellers in 1-2 hits. This means that low level players should not tank, they should avoid getting hit (hit once ,and back up, then hit again, then back up ,,)..
any way, a few guidelines:

1. There is a designated leader, and that is for a reason, because he can lead efficiently. Obey the leader and do not question him.

2. Stay in a tight group, as most events from now on will most likely involve gooed creatures, which have an insane aggro range(80-100m), and will quickly isolate the rear,middle,or front end of a line. If the healers where in the back, yeah we are all screwed >< .

3. If u are down, DO NOT shout "HEAL ME", "HELP IM DOWN !!!!", "OMG OMG OMG HEAL PLZ!!!!11oneoneone". This will irritate the healers no end and they will tend to ignore you just for that, well i do anyway :D . A simple "down" or "mmmm,dirt" will suffice to get attention if the fighting is really thick.

4. Do not stay at the same spot where a battle just ended and resap/stam/heal, as it is very likely that the mobs will respawn on you. That causes confusion and mass death.

5. If the mobs drop loot in an event, refrain from diving for the quarter, kill the other 10 mobs first , for crouching makes your head more accesible to their jaws...

6. Do not run up to the pretty creatures that u have never seen before and poke them with a stick. They do not like that. Ask your group whether the mob is aggro or not, one of them is bound to have encountered it before.

7. Kill all Bolobis on sight.

8. Do not be a hero. I have seen many a lvl 30 meleer charge at a lvl 180 mob, while a lvl 150 meleer approaches it with extreme caution. This type of heroics is hilarious, and is often classified under stupidity.

Well i hope this little guide will be of some help in future events.
And nevrax, please give us DP when we die in events, it would make everyone far more alert and efficient....i hope.

Re: Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:58 pm
by zenchi
That just about covered all my thoughts lol.

Re: Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:17 pm
by desolis
Oh man what have the bolobis every done to you >.<

Re: Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:25 pm
by pcheez
desolis wrote:Oh man what have the bolobis every done to you >.<

Terrible, terrible things.... those eyes *shudder*
Oh and for the record, wombais fall under Bolobi. Kill those too :D

Re: Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:49 pm
by vaynen
Might I add to all this: please refrain from using the region-chat...
When you're with ten others in one region, I guess no one minds that you spam the channel with your group banter

But when fifty players are running around in a large group and GM's are trying to give subtile hints, it seems to be quite annoying searching through all the region spam just to find one remark made by a GM..

When you're all in one large group, around-chat seems more logical and if anything should really have everyone's attention you could always shout it, but please, please, pretty pretty please with sugar on the top, try to keep the region chat free..

Re: Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:00 pm
by morzyr
pcheez wrote:And nevrax, please give us DP when we die in events, it would make everyone far more alert and efficient....i hope.
Well as most " oohh pls let me hit the kirosta only once " players does not even care about dp.

I do,as i have limted time playing paying back the silly dp, but as it seem you have.
Maybe nevrax could make an extra dp account on characters in favor of dp , so then gm's poop up and care less players get the rest killed you get 50% of our dp.

Re: Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:46 pm
by sprite
pcheez wrote:And nevrax, please give us DP when we die in events, it would make everyone far more alert and efficient....i hope.
I couldn't disagree more... having no dp means that people of any level can get envolved in some way or other, and also means that you won't get people complaining when they get caught up in it and rack up max dp in one night; I really am glad that they made it 0dp during events otherwise I would find it even easier to rack the stuff up ;)

Besides... the people who I guess you are referring to (ie the people who run up to stuff that is 100lvls above them) would normally do that anyway, they just don't have the chance when its not an invasion because they haven't explored that far :P

Re: Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:40 pm
by predzz
First of all adding DP is just stupid. THINK before you post, nevrax want as MUCH people as possible to join in on the event, and events are usually dangerous, so adding DP will definately scare off quite some people (including me).

Secondly, at the Karavan event i didnt see (hardly) any idiots running around like crazy at all. This is probably because they knew theyd have to spend another 10 minutes swimming to LL if they respawned. It was not the idiots that killed us however, more too much Gibbai and Cute raiders at a time id say

Re: Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:24 pm
by sprite
predzz wrote: It was not the idiots that killed us however, more too much Gibbai and Cute raiders at a time id say
. lol :P

Re: Event guidelines, please read.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:21 am
by rompador
Don't recall there being a dedicated leader. There was about 2 or 3 people barking commands invariably contradicting ones. To be honest though the leadership if that's what it was, wasn't very good. It's all fine and well explaining all this now, but why was nothing said at the time.

There wasnt even any structure to the groups. I was in a group with all healers from level 30 to over 100 lol. Nice leading.

The one time we did make it quite far the sodding guide ran ahead of our point man, well woman, so of course everyone chased after her and we all wiped, again.

Done enough raiding to know that it's all down to leadership and communication, plus having a plan is a good start too. So I think its unfair to pin all the blame on the newbies, just because they are a soft target.

To be honest I didnt see anyone charging mobs either, not to say that it didnt happen,because I did see people doing some stupid things. I did see mobs charging us though, but youll get that when you have a line 100m long and crazy agro ranges. Why did we have a line 100m long? That'll be the newbies again I guess.

Anyway it was frustrating and I left after about the 5th attempt. Not sure, but I believe the 'leader' had gone earlier. =)