this is the link for the english speaking klients chat room.
Anybody whos anybody is in here.
You get info on when the server is down, and back up, lots of insane people talking about anything and everything (mainly ryzom, but sometimes off-topic cant hurt )
when u download and open the folder, you can either do one of two things :-
# 1 #
double click the klients icon,
type in your username, press enter,
type in your password, press enter,
# 2 #
if the above doesnt work then try the following,
go to the folder where klients is saved and double click onto the file called 'plugs', find the following line : -
MtpChat Login=...
and replace the dots with your username for example :-
MtpChat Login=joe34
also do the same with this line :-
MtpChat Password=
then save the file, open klients again via double clicking the icon, if the first time it doesnt load, close and try again, you may have to type the password again, but you only need to do this the first time, there-after you will always automatically log in
hope this is of some use to you all
Klients - Get here for the latest news and general ryzom chat
Re: Klients - Get here for the latest news and general ryzom chat
I've had the
error since retail, and the normal fix (changing the plugs.ini file) doesn't work... any advice?11:57:38 <SoR>
11:57:38 <SoR> Only registered users are allowed to login at the
Re: Klients - Get here for the latest news and general ryzom chat
It will usually work if you disable autoconnect from 'Main' from the system menu.
It sometimes takes a few tries to connect the first time, just edit the file again and try connect.
It sometimes takes a few tries to connect the first time, just edit the file again and try connect.