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Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 8:38 pm
by jackmor
Id like the radar to show the differance between agressive and nonagressive mobs. Right now mobs are orange. How about agro mobs are red and nonagro mobs are orange. It would make exploring easier without being to easy.
Re: Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:29 pm
by dandra8
I really like your idea and would like to see it implemented.
Re: Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:49 pm
by cerest
This idea has been added to the wishlist already
So the devs know.
Re: Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:44 am
by kisedd
cerest wrote:This idea has been added to the wishlist already
So the devs know.
This is super to hear. having a mass jumble of 50 dots on my screen doesn't do my a lot of good most of the time.
Re: Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 1:28 pm
by angus858
I'd rather not have radar at all. There are other ways that could be used to let you know something dangerous is near. Ryzom already does a fairly good job with sound. You can hear most predators from a distance. This system could be developed further. The introduction of "danger music" to let you know you have caught the scent of a predator could also be used. Different short clips of music could alert you when you approach aggro range of different types of predators. It would then be up to you to spot and avoid them. This would only work for creatures in FRONT of you. There should be NO such warning for things that manage to sneak up from behind. When you near the spawn point of an agressive creature you could get a text message on the main screen that you have spotted predator tracks. This would be much more immersive for me than keeping my eyes fixed to a radar screen while I run through the jungle.
Exploring should be easy. But running from here to there without pausing to listen, sniff the air, and check for predator tracks isn't exploring in my opinion. It's just running.
Re: Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 2:00 pm
by elioth
jackmor wrote:Id like the radar to show the differance between agressive and nonagressive mobs. Right now mobs are orange. How about agro mobs are red and nonagro mobs are orange. It would make exploring easier without being to easy.
Although I aggree that partly exloring can become quite frustrating because of how the game is balanced regarding adds and I see that You seek for solutions.. I have to say please reconsider what You request here. A radar with aggro/non-aggro indicator would completly destroy the SKILL of exploring because a skilled explorer finds out what is a simple animal, what is a predator and what is a dangerous kitin warrior. You can see by their look (mostly) and radar was never a problem getting around. Radar should stay what it is now: an indicator of life-force around You.
The other way around would be an option: request that a slight rebalancing happens (less damage doe by monsters AND players and slight increase in monsters hitpoints. This way Nevrax could REALLY slow down the levling
(P1 and later did the opposite to what nevrax hoped it to do. It actually made the power levling faster but forced many players away from hunting to levelgrinding as it seems) and make life easier for explorers and similar gaming styles.
See my comment as what it is - my POV. I just try to explain why I got to this point.
*votes no*
P.O. Elioth
Re: Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:40 pm
by wicker
I like it how it is now already. You have to actually learn about the creatures and the land. And you get more satisfaction. To many people want things handed to them on a silver platter.
Re: Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:18 pm
by rihze
cerest wrote:This idea has been added to the wishlist already
So the devs know.
You mention a "Wishlist", is this a public official dokument of things that might be added given enough time?
And if where is it located?
Re: Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:22 pm
by linuxpro
rihze wrote:You mention a "Wishlist", is this a public official dokument of things that might be added given enough time?
And if where is it located?
It's located here:
It's where Ryzom users can post ideas and suggestions for the Devs to take under consideration for future patches. Some ideas may get added to the game, while others will not.
Re: Exploring easier without being easy
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 1:00 am
by vinnyq
Hey I've got an idea!
Allow players to actually be able to run far enough or long enough to break of aggro. That would make so much more sense, and help tons with exploring and prbly add more entertaining value and skill to exploring. Getting aggroed doesn't necessary mean you have to kill or be killed.
Also, I just love it when I am playing with a group of players and someone yelled "run away! run away!", the group scattered in all directions. Nothing like mass panics to brighten up one's day.
Can you put this on the wishlist too Cerest? I am so so lazy.
- Fyrx