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Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 2:57 am
by frostbit
Heya! Moderately skilled Fyros here, wishing to lend a hand to our Zorai brethren. Rest assured, your emmisary arrived safely, unfortunately he forgot to bring teleport tickets with him. I have never left the Burning Desert but would love to make the trek to Zorai lands to help in their defense in the coming days. Anyone knowldgable willing to organize a caravan to get some Fyros to Zorai and vice versa? I have NO IDEA where the path lies or what skills we would need or how many would have to be present to make the trip. Any suggestions?

Re: Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:13 am
by tetra
I know this is off topic... but could you pleeaaassssseeeeeeee put in some spaces or line breaks in your sig, so it doesn't stretch your posts out larger than fits at 800x600?

Re: Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:18 am
by frostbit
tetra wrote:I know this is off topic... but could you pleeaaassssseeeeeeee put in some spaces or line breaks in your sig, so it doesn't stretch your posts out larger than fits at 800x600?
Totally unaware of the problem, thanks for the head's up.
Signature adjusted.

That better? Or is the Craft line still too fat?

Re: Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:29 am
by botello
It's fine, the best way (sadly) is to go through Verdant Heights, Aeden Aqueous, then Trench of Trials. Yes, unless you go solo through underspring, have an godly experience in sneaking and a streak of immense luck, or you get in a group of extremmly high lvl warriors and mages *shrug*. I hate how they've put such a barrier between the two kami lands.

Re: Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:27 pm
by aelvana
Underspring currently isn't doable by a raid force. You can fight the long way around, or try to sneak through undersprings (good sneaking skills and a very lucky run required, but possible, if your patience doesn't run out first).

Re: Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:11 pm
by frostbit
So, uh, in this Massively Multipler game we have here, my best bet to participate in the new content is to SOLO my way stealth-like through all the hostile lands to Zorai?


Something seems wrong here...

Cant put my finger on it...

Re: Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:44 pm
by archie
you don't need to sneak, if you would like help, I am going to have my giuld head down through underspring, to get our new giuldies the zorai spawn.

if you would like to tag along, add me to friends list. and get ahold of me for a date.

Archie - Leader
Desert Templars

Re: Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:37 pm
by ichigono
aelvana wrote:Underspring currently isn't doable by a raid force. You can fight the long way around, or try to sneak through undersprings (good sneaking skills and a very lucky run required, but possible, if your patience doesn't run out first).
I see you said 'IF your patience doesn't run out first'... They want us to be able to help the zorai, then dammit, give us an easier way to go!

*hasn't got infinite patience for trying underspring, nor good sneaking skills*

Re: Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:36 am
by tayster
Getting to undersprings is fairly easy from fyros land, if you have a ticket to dyron. From there it gets complicated. Undersprings is a deathtrap, especially for bigger groups. I managed to get down to below shooting meadows once with Grear I think it was, where there were 4 kitin patrols stretching from one side of undersprings to the other. There was one area along the western wall where it would have been possible to get past, were it not for the aggroable NPCs.

Anyways, gl with the trip.

Re: Fyros/Zorai Caravan

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:55 am
by ozric
frostbit wrote:Heya! Moderately skilled Fyros here, wishing to lend a hand to our Zorai brethren. Rest assured, your emmisary arrived safely, unfortunately he forgot to bring teleport tickets with him. I have never left the Burning Desert but would love to make the trek to Zorai lands to help in their defense in the coming days. Anyone knowldgable willing to organize a caravan to get some Fyros to Zorai and vice versa? I have NO IDEA where the path lies or what skills we would need or how many would have to be present to make the trip. Any suggestions?
On the EE server earlier today there was a call to arms to help the Zorai (if you were Fyros) or the Trykers (if you were Matis).
Getting to either Zorai or Tryker lands from Fyros or Matis to answer the call was made very easy, and didnt involve travelling thru the roots. I wont say any more and spoil the surprise, but a fun time was had by all (most :p ).
Enjoy :D