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Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:07 am
by theurgy
I'm probably being silly, but when I went to exit the game last night I couldn't work out how. I had to resort to using Ctrl-Alt-Del to close Ryzom. And I haven't managed to find any options menus. I think I now know why downloading games isn't always a good idea; without comprehensive in-game help or a manual it isn't always particularly easy to work out what's going on.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Menu/logout

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:25 am
by kostika
On the default view youll see a window with three tabs. Usually it's in the bottom right corner. If you go to the Game tab of this window, at the bottom is a button that says quit game.

Re: Menu/logout

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:33 am
by shaded
You can find the Quit button in the lower right corner of your screen:
Switch the tab from "Actions" to "Game" and you can quit the game properly.

For a better layout and more screen space you may want to switch to the icon mode. Rightclick the above mentioned window and choose "Icon mode". The Quit button is now the "X" in the lower right corner. See here: ... age_id=661

Edit: too slow. ;)

Re: Menu/logout

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:19 am
by theurgy
I'm starting to think this isn't mebeing daft so much as a window positioning/resolution issue.

I've just looked at your screenshots there and I don't have the tab that has the action/game tabs. I did notice when I first loaded and tried to rearrange my UI that the Quest Journal default position is very nearly off the bottom right of the screen; I could just about see the top left of the window to drag it into the viewable area.

Going on this, if the quest journal usually defaults to the center of the screen and the menu you describe is bottom right, then in my case the menu would be far off the viewable area of the screen.

Is there a shortcut key that toggles that menu/window on and off? Hopefully doing that would force it to check its location restrictions and move itself so i can see it.

*sigh* I spose I could also up my resolution and see if I find it that way. I did realise that alt-F4 works to exit, so that's sorted at least.. But now I want that menu, hehe

Re: Menu/logout

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:07 am
by andreaw
Alternatively you can press ALT + F4 :)

Gini - TNE

Re: Menu/logout

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 11:34 am
by shaded
Well, the options window is per design the only window that you cannot close.

If you can't see it then it is most likely a resolution problem.
The default UI configuration is a bit....uhm...messy ;) and anything below 1024x768 will render the game unplayable.

Re: Menu/logout

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:26 pm
by theurgy
I spoke to a nice GM last night after I'd /bugged it. It appears to come about when Ryzom starts directly to windowed mode if the resolution is smaller than the desktop. I also maximised the login section, which may also have something to do with it. Looks like it was using 1280x960 as it's template for the UI, yet displaying that in the 1024x768 fullscreen mode