Harvesting XP - Clarification plz
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:25 am
Patch 19
. The XP gained from prospecting and curative forage actions has been balanced against the XP gained from extraction actions. The XP is now shared out evenly between the extractor, source healers and prospector.
Patch 20
. Forage / Prospection xp was not distributed as it should.
Last night.
Lvl 100+ lake harvester, pulling 7xql110 mats, using gentle.
Lvl 70+ lake harvester, just using explosion reduction.
XP for extractor/prospector = 800 (would get 1600 if not teamed)
XP for carer = 1500
Patch 19 states 'evenly'
Patch 20 states 'as it should'
Is it suposed to be evenly/equally split? or factored by level?
Don't really mind which, its just nice to know.
. The XP gained from prospecting and curative forage actions has been balanced against the XP gained from extraction actions. The XP is now shared out evenly between the extractor, source healers and prospector.
Patch 20
. Forage / Prospection xp was not distributed as it should.
Last night.
Lvl 100+ lake harvester, pulling 7xql110 mats, using gentle.
Lvl 70+ lake harvester, just using explosion reduction.
XP for extractor/prospector = 800 (would get 1600 if not teamed)
XP for carer = 1500
Patch 19 states 'evenly'
Patch 20 states 'as it should'
Is it suposed to be evenly/equally split? or factored by level?
Don't really mind which, its just nice to know.