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Harvesting XP - Clarification plz

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:25 am
by borg9
Patch 19
. The XP gained from prospecting and curative forage actions has been balanced against the XP gained from extraction actions. The XP is now shared out evenly between the extractor, source healers and prospector.

Patch 20
. Forage / Prospection xp was not distributed as it should.

Last night.

Lvl 100+ lake harvester, pulling 7xql110 mats, using gentle.
Lvl 70+ lake harvester, just using explosion reduction.

XP for extractor/prospector = 800 (would get 1600 if not teamed)
XP for carer = 1500

Patch 19 states 'evenly'
Patch 20 states 'as it should'

Is it suposed to be evenly/equally split? or factored by level?

Don't really mind which, its just nice to know.

Re: Harvesting XP - Clarification plz

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 3:53 pm
by borguk
rofl no wonder you were offering to come help me.

Re: Harvesting XP - Clarification plz

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:06 pm
by borg9
borguk wrote:rofl no wonder you were offering to come help me.

I offered to help you cas ... you have been asking for weeks.... and I want to see the 100m aggro gingos for myself :P and I would not have been able to keep up with 1xsource+1xstability on a full aggressive ql110 pull :S

Also I need some pospecting stazia :P

Full gentle doesn't really need a carer :D But as you are full aggressive I thought a 2xsource+2xstability might mean you get a full 10x pull everytime :P

one hours effort with a carer/tryker shaped packer, with pike! might make up for the lost packer that you have been on about everytime I speak to you IRL :P

I did also say that the changes to Harvesting in patch 1++ are awesome!

-True reason to team!
-Very little down time, if you do it right.
-Gentle truely gentle.
-Care needed and skill required for mixed plans.
-A use for terrain and material specs.
-Steady progression rather than 3k->1k->3k main branch and 3k always on the other branches.
Full bag in 45mins-1hr rather than 1hr-1.5hrs
Selective prospecting.

Re: Harvesting XP - Clarification plz

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:32 pm
by borguk
'I don't like pickled eggs!' but I will only tell you this if you ask me!

I won't come to you house and stand out side repeating:

'I don't like pickled eggs!'
'Fish and chips are much better!'
'Theres no batter on pickled eggs!'

Your going mad in ur old age mate :)
Yes I was playing with the camera all night lol, be on tomorrow.