Matis Gladiator and Mage League Tables
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:27 am
Matis Gladiator and Mage League tables
Current Standings - 08 December
1. Sorrow
2. Gillest
3. Simone
4. Pete
5. Jamela
6. Grusper
7. Denyria
8. Damcity
9. Erylios
10. Tonda
11. Igerua
1. Absinthia
2. Tause
3. Link
4. Sorrow
5. Amana
6. Felexitus
7. Pacaryl
8. Denyria
9. Serend
10. Shinken
11. Kibs
12. Jesanga
Challenges may be made to an opponent upto and including 3 places above you.
The contest must be witnessed by a Guide or GM.
New competitors may join by challenging one of the bottom 3 places.
The top 2 places in each league will go through to the Atys World Championship.
This table will be updated on a "regular" basis.
Original post for rules etc. can be found at:
Homins, Heed my Words
Current Standings - 08 December
1. Sorrow
2. Gillest
3. Simone
4. Pete
5. Jamela
6. Grusper
7. Denyria
8. Damcity
9. Erylios
10. Tonda
11. Igerua
1. Absinthia
2. Tause
3. Link
4. Sorrow
5. Amana
6. Felexitus
7. Pacaryl
8. Denyria
9. Serend
10. Shinken
11. Kibs
12. Jesanga
Challenges may be made to an opponent upto and including 3 places above you.
The contest must be witnessed by a Guide or GM.
New competitors may join by challenging one of the bottom 3 places.
The top 2 places in each league will go through to the Atys World Championship.
This table will be updated on a "regular" basis.
Original post for rules etc. can be found at:
Homins, Heed my Words