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Zorai Guild: Shadowfax

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:21 pm
by eegreen
Hello all,

Shadowfax is a Zorai Guild that was founded a few weeks ago by Bakunin. We are mostly casual players, but welcome everyone. We are allies with the Kami and Icon Workshipper Tribe. We are still deciding which other tribes we will befriend.

Our Guild is not restrictive in terms of who you may team with. All of our members are free to team with members of other guilds. I hunt with teams made up of Defenders of Zoran and Comitatus Praetorian quite frequently.

Like most guilds, we are saving up for a guild hall, and are looking forward to building an outpost sometime in the future.

As of today, we have 10 members, and are growing everyday. Contact Modo or Bakunin in game if you would like to learn more.

Re: Zorai Guild: Shadowfax

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:11 pm
by jdiegel
Modo is a cool cat :cool:

Re: Zorai Guild: Shadowfax

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 6:57 pm
by eegreen
jdiegel wrote:Modo is a cool cat :cool:
Wow, I have a fan club. Well, at least a fan.