I spotted a thread on the American forums and I think its a wonderful idea!
The concept is a simple one:
If you are fresh from newbie island and need a little help getting started, send me or any other crafter (that posts on this thread) a tell.
I personally with provide FREE the following:
Ql50 jewels +25HP boost (total 250HP)
Ql50 armour hvy/med/light +25HP boost (total 125HP (+25HP for Helm))
Ql50 weapons (Pike or Sword 2hd) (note damage may not be the highest but its a start!) (+25HP)
Ql50 amps (mittens) (+25HP) see weapons
these will be made to order so please be patient (mats harvest from around FH)! If you provide your own mats service will be much improved
For the harvesters out there +25 focus can replace the HP boost (or a mix)!
Colours and stats will depend on materials available.
Service applies to Tryker, Zorai and Matis (sorry but I don't have Pyr yet)
Non Tryker lands will require me to tp twice (so bulk orders would be nice!)
*** Note to other crafters please post if you want to help our newly arriving peoples ***
So want to get out of your rags/kipee bits armour, send a tell.
Support our Refugees
Re: Support our Refugees
I am not a crafter, but I am a Harvester. If any newbies are in need of mats to get their armour made, gimme a yell. Alot of the time I have spare mats and would be more than happy to share with you.