Support our Refugees

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Support our Refugees

Post by borg9 »

I spotted a thread on the American forums and I think its a wonderful idea!

The concept is a simple one:

If you are fresh from newbie island and need a little help getting started, send me or any other crafter (that posts on this thread) a tell.

I personally with provide FREE the following:

Ql50 jewels +25HP boost (total 250HP)
Ql50 armour hvy/med/light +25HP boost (total 125HP (+25HP for Helm))
Ql50 weapons (Pike or Sword 2hd) (note damage may not be the highest but its a start!) (+25HP)
Ql50 amps (mittens) (+25HP) see weapons

these will be made to order so please be patient (mats harvest from around FH)! If you provide your own mats service will be much improved :P

For the harvesters out there +25 focus can replace the HP boost (or a mix)!

Colours and stats will depend on materials available.

Service applies to Tryker, Zorai and Matis (sorry but I don't have Pyr yet)

Non Tryker lands will require me to tp twice (so bulk orders would be nice!)

*** Note to other crafters please post if you want to help our newly arriving peoples ***

So want to get out of your rags/kipee bits armour, send a tell.
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Re: Support our Refugees

Post by kostika »

I am not a crafter, but I am a Harvester. If any newbies are in need of mats to get their armour made, gimme a yell. Alot of the time I have spare mats and would be more than happy to share with you.
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