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Remember the early days!
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:31 pm
by neiana
Okay okay, so technically speaking these are still the "early" days, so maybe I mean the "very early days".
I remember a couple things from the first week of release on Tryker noobland. My personal favorite was the general consensus that "Excellent" mats had not been put in the game yet.
Another was a little joke about the "preorder" Armlet that was bugged for everybody at first. I remember a few of us joked about how it provided powers of invisibility, and that everyone that had it was unable to talk to those that didn't. So yes, it existed, but nobody could prove it because they were all invisible.
Anyways, anybody have "noobland" memories that were just.. simply because you were noobs?
- N
Re: Remember the early days!
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:43 pm
by josephm
You can take the noob outa noob land but you cant take the noobland out 'da noob.
So I guess we're all still noobs
I remember Zorai island; wondering why I wasn't in a sandy desert like fyros from beta...which is actually pre-noob noobishness.
Re: Remember the early days!
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:47 pm
by tinpony
neiana wrote:Anyways, anybody have "noobland" memories that were just.. simply because you were noobs?
Ten minutes after arriving from noobland we looked for something to hunt.
"Hey, 'sprightly mektoubs'."
"Sprightly? That's a word they use to describe old people."
"Think we can?"
"That sucker dies!"
<respawn in Zora>
"That sucker dies later!"
- - - - -
Looking through my old screenies from beta. Found me in patchwork armour barely keeping even against scampering yubos. Rush of nostalgia after killing dreaded kipesta this morning.
Anyone else looked at the promo vids since release? I showed some of them to my friend and kept interrupting with 'OMG, I know that place. OMG, I've been there!'. I thought that was pretty cool.
Re: Remember the early days!
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 6:31 am
by vanderpm
I remember a lot of complaining because EBgames messed up the preorder code for a lot of people (me included) so we did not get our bracelets.
I also remember losing to Puk in the first round of naked boxing at Waverton the event that formed the Wavterton Brawlers. He could still probably whoop me
. Too bad I lost all of my screenshots of the event, it was rather fun.
Re: Remember the early days!
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:14 am
by aelvana
I remember when everyone thought we couldn't wear armor of other races, nor make it. Early Tryker paranoia, I guess :P
Re: Remember the early days!
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:17 am
by zzeii
aelvana wrote:I remember when everyone thought we couldn't wear armor of other races, nor make it. Early Tryker paranoia, I guess
Hahahaha....Yea, I remember saying that
I also remember not knowing about blind for the first 100+ levels, then finding out how obsenely overpowered it was
Re: Remember the early days!
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:45 pm
by bgrifter
"*looking at a glowing green node in Zorai* Hmmm... that harvesting thing looks kind of fun, maybe i'll give it a shot..." *fifty seven metric tonnes of Zorai Amber later...*
Probably spent more time harvesting than sleeping in the last two months.
The mad dash maxing DP exploration trips just to see the sights and marvel at the big scary unkillable creatures towards the end of beta was fun too.
Slightly amusing considering we hunt some of those areas now, although I still owe a few najab some payback. *grin*
Re: Remember the early days!
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:20 am
by pcheez
Heh, i remember my first days from OB, " OK i will be teh ultimate mage, mwahahah" . Ooh crafting....then enchanting, then end of OB.
I come into retail with one philosophy, "thou shalst not harvest".
Grind grind grind, most skills over 100. Now what? In a moment of weakness i picked up a pickaxe and spent 50 sp... result lvl 100 forest and 110 desert harvest..... well i blame the lack of content, it forced me to do it
Isp has been down for 2 days, it was like sitting in the dark
Re: Remember the early days!
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:43 am
by pandorae
bgrifter wrote:", although I still owe a few najab some payback. *grin*
Yeah ... a couple of our harvesters occasionally ask for Najab boots so that they can walk all over their oppressors.
Of course, now that they might last more than a day or two, the symbolism is a little less annoying to the hunting teams!