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Very Brief Sneak Peak at Chapter 2

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:56 pm
by cerest
Hi everyone. I've been able to get a little information about what will possibly be included in Patch 2. No, we don't have an ETA yet. That will be communicated later. But here are a few things that will more than likely show up in Chapter 2:

* Encyclopedia and knowledge system, with their first "rites".
* Next step of PvP: New PvP dedicated area: Guilds vs Guilds, Kami vs Karavan factions...
* Some new and unique boss guild challenge, with unique loots.
* Changing your haircut and tatooes ingame via NPC

Just a few cookies for now. As soon as we learn what's more definite, it will be communicated accordingly. Thanks guys.