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critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:34 pm
by xmancer
As fame officer for my guild, i run hundreds of missions each day (when doing fame runs). Across yesterday and today I managed to find a number of bugged fame mission, where i would do missions for one entity (for example a Zoraii Hunter or a Matis Scout (and these are mission i had done prior to patch 1 with no problem)) and instead of getting the fame/faction i should - these mission gave me fame with tribes which i had never had contact before. In fact, it always gave me faction in a Karavan based tribe (and we are a Kami based guild)

Now its also guild policy to NEVER EVER contact these karavan tribes, since as soon as ANY ONE PERSON in guild does, then EACH and EVERY person in guild doing a kami/zoraii (or any other mission these tribe-guys dont like) will reult in personal and guild fame hits with that tribe's faction.

Now, while the individual cases of getting wrong fame are bugs, i have been told that "the fame system is working as intended. we will not roll back your fame, or the fame of anyone in your guild. [or otherwise correct this problem.]"

400 hours personally sunk into working on guild fame (yes its my lead activity), carfully planning and balancing various fames, with plans on how and when to approach karavan tribes later in game. a bunch of bugs new since patch 1, and slapdown as a response.

it not only hits me personally, but the entire guild. and its permanent, no way to undo contact, so forevermore fame with *at least* those three tribes is permanently going to suck, and if it can get to kill-on-site it will, just by having one in guild hit the bug once - doing missions of desired fame will hammer down these incorrectly opened up tribes. like the high lvl regions werent bad enough without having tribes go aggro on your entire guild from a single bugged mission.-

since the missions used to be fine, this means that ANY mission i havent tried since patch 1 could potentially add to the problem.

in case the effects of this arent clear... (A) I do a bugged mission, getting fame with a tribe that we dont want contact with (typically a high level region tribe of opposite kami/karavan alignment to my guild) (B) that tribe now shows up in the fame list for *everyone* in my guild (C) jojo does a mission for our normal fame (D) jojo now gets personal bad fame with this tribe (as well as adding to the guild un-fame with them) .... eventually the tribe will go kill-on-site to individuals the entire guild.

the only 'fix' to this is to reform the guild (and i havent tried, so this is a possible fix) with the following likely constraints:

person that did (A) or (C) above and has the tribe on their personal list may not be able to join at all (no idea if this alone will put the tribe back on the guild list - and if it does, then you need to reform guild a 3rd time) even if they can join without harm, they can never EVER do a mission again, since this will hit the tribe, and slam it onto the list of eveyone in guild....

so, there is a workaround.... for 11 million dap, and cutting out people from the guild, or at least from doing missions for the guild. woohoo, way to go nevrax! =(

Re: critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:49 pm
by zumwalt
actually thanks for this post, i noticed fame issues since the patch, just didn't know if it was just me, and i typically ignored them

which is stupid on my behalf, so tonight through sunday i will research my missions i hammer on and see what negative effect its having

worse case, lets just whipe out the offending tribe since there mad at us anyway

Re: critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:12 pm
by raynes
Whoever told you the fame system is working as intended is full of it. It's not. There are several cases where I have done missions for one group and the fame level change in others where it shouldn't of. The biggest one of these (though not confirmed) for me as the Icon Worshippers/Matis bug. I wasn't too happy when I noticed that my Matis fame was higher than my Zorai fame due to this. That isn't the only one either. There have been Zorai hunter missions where I have recieved Icon Worshipper and Kami Fame, but no Zorai fame.

All that you can do is submit bug reports about what you feel is wrong. I know i have submitted a bunch of them. Other than that find a group that gives missions that lowers the bugged fame one. Finally you could try and avoid the missions like you said.

**** You know as I was typing this I did think of somthing. My Karavan faction was going down at a steady pace whenever I did Kami and Icon missions. It was at -89 before the patch. It hasn't moved since. I'm wondering if it's not moving is becuase somehow I am now earning a good Karavan faction to balance out the bad.

Re: critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:12 pm
by bodywand
Never hurts to have enemies in a game like this ;D

Re: critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:23 pm
by botello
bodywand wrote:Never hurts to have enemies in a game like this ;D
Actually, it does, those two tribes are intwo very important harvesting spots. If they become aggro to us it would hurt.

Re: critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:34 pm
by raynes
botello wrote:Actually, it does, those two tribes are intwo very important harvesting spots. If they become aggro to us it would hurt.
Are you sure they attack you? I've at a horrible Karavan fame and not one faction that you can get fame with has attacked me.

BTW, what were the tribes? You never shared that info.

Re: critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:36 pm
by zumwalt
I don't think they attack you, although I can not confirm or deny it, but I do know it effects what you can do there and the cost.

Re: critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:03 pm
by xmancer
raynes wrote:.... There have been Zorai hunter missions where I have recieved Icon Worshipper and Kami Fame, but no Zorai fame.
at least Icon Worshippers are Kami aligned, same as the zoraii hunter. its the zoraii missions that hurt zoraii and kami fame (and give you a karavan tribe that wants to kill you soon) that are the BIG issues

and i assume there are Matis missions that give you kami tribe fame as well, etc.

stealthy cross-teaming NPCs <sigh>

Re: critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:06 pm
by xmancer
zumwalt wrote:I don't think they attack you, although I can not confirm or deny it, but I do know it effects what you can do there and the cost.
as far as them getting to kill-on-sight status, i asked Melinoe, since they hunt enemy tribes, and they said yes. I then asked a GM if they could get to KOS status and Mindadar confirmed that they can/will. it takes *work* maybe getting to -100. but i got -10 fame to a karavan tribe this bug opend with a mere 3 missions for kami.

as fas as affecting cost, fame changing that mostly went away with patch 1...

Re: critical fame mission bugs!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:38 pm
by xmancer
raynes wrote:Whoever told you the fame system is working as intended is full of it. It's not. There are several cases where I have done missions for one group and the fame level change in others where it shouldn't [have]....

the giving wrong fame they acknowledge as a bug.
the fact that it opens your entire guild to getting abd faction with that tribe is the part that is 'working as intended'. the fact that its collateral damage from a bug is apparantly not interesting to them.