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A known bug... or am I buggy again?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:04 am
by ixils
OK... we just got our guildhall and as High Officer I get to distribute items from it. I am needing to give a set of HP jewelry to my guildmate.

I right click on the item in the guildhall inventory and select info. No bonus shows up on any jewelry. Well... this is not right I know. Any jewelry that has no bonus... what is it good for really other than to grind on or sell.

So... I move a piece to my bag... and voila! the bonus shows up.

Come on... is that lame or what? Am I doing something wrong?

I will send in a ticket on this but am posting here in the hopes that I am just foobar and not the system...



Re: A known bug... or am I buggy again?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:14 am
by jaggarot
This is a longstanding bug and affects your packers and apartment, not just the guildhall.

Re: A known bug... or am I buggy again?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:15 am
by ixils
jaggarot wrote:This is a longstanding bug and affects your packers and apartment, not just the guildhall.
Thanks... I thought I was losing my grip on my sanity....

Hmmm... this is an important bug... I hope it gets fixed soon.


Re: A known bug... or am I buggy again?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:33 am
by borg9
ixils wrote:Thanks... I thought I was losing my grip on my sanity....

Hmmm... this is an important bug... I hope it gets fixed soon.


They fixed the trade window & packer bug. So I am sure the others will follow shortly.