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Dodge complaints?
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:07 pm
by mikwana
I keep hearing everyone complain that dodge and parry seem to be broken, and the devs are changing it so that it will be even more common.... (though I'd rather see things not hit for max damage every time, then dodge and parry happen, some range in damage would be nice, as it is, it's all or nothing)
I've not experienced the problem in dodging. Even for the last 3 days when I've been trying in vain to cross the roots, naked with no weapon, I dodge at least 1 in 3 attacks (granted it only takes one hit to kill me). Fighting things at my fight level (45 fighting sprightly Yubos), I dodge more often (granted, that is in full armor). So, I'm not sure what is the issue.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for me dodging even *more*, just have not experienced this issue myself.
PS: Maybe now I can simply run and dodge all the mobs all the way across the roots? nah.
Re: Dodge complaints?
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:12 pm
by daleknd
I agree. I think many of the complaints are from folks who got used to dodging 7 out of 8 attacks.
I find myself dodging about 1 out of 3 which I find acceptable.
humble forager of the Fyros
Re: Dodge complaints?
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:23 pm
by zumwalt
to me dodge is balanced
they dodge just about as much as we do
i do same damage as mobs my level in melee with ID4
Then again I am wearing q50 high dodge armor (not modi)
baby blues keep me alive
Re: Dodge complaints?
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:31 pm
by danadita
mikwana wrote:PS: Maybe now I can simply run and dodge all the mobs all the way across the roots? nah.
Heh - first time I went back to Verdant Heights, pre Patch 1, traveling from Davae to Yrkanis to get the spawn point there, I was set upon by 5 ragus of varying levels. I had over 1100 hps and my good dodge armor on so I kept on running. Curiousity got me wondering if I would make it to the city gates ... I dodged their hits so many times I made it into town with 570 hp to spare and not using my self heal once. *sigh* Them wuz the days.
Re: Dodge complaints?
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:41 pm
by aelvana
IMO, dodge is not balanced when it comes to low level mobs. I'd like to be able to dodge mobs 1/5 my level more frequently than I dodge mobs twice my level.
For mobs your own level, I think it's fine, other than possibly max dodge armor having little effect.
And they'll be decreasing carnivore damage in one of the patches this week :)
Re: Dodge complaints?
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:37 pm
by zzeii
With the new patch, I was hit 52 times and dodged 78 attacks from lower level mobs (60%)(I aggroed 11 cloppers, and filled up my system info before dispatching them). Where with mobs my level its closer to 40% (this is with max dodge MA). Seems to be more appropriate (haven't gone out to try and get killed to test higher level mobs) in terms of skill vs mob levels. Not godlike versus low levels. But not rediculously inept pre-patch 21.
Now to see how they will adjust the carnivore damage in the next week.
This test was done only using mobs that attacked me first, no suckling yubos were hurt in these experiments.
Was using pike (lvl 135 2h piercing skill)
Re: Dodge complaints?
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:56 pm
by tobaran
As one who did believe that the Dodge/Parry was unbalanced, I'd like to offer my counter argument.
Combat after patch 1, and before mini patch 20, was nearly a die or survive type combat. It gave little time for various finesses such at dodge and strike or parry and strike. You either killed the mob within 3 hits or most likely you would have the opportunity to contemplate on the awkward position your body is lying on the ground. With patch 20, combat became more tenable, enabling the solo player to challenge his/her level mob + 10 levels with a fair chance of surviving. It also made other types of weapon usage more tenable, as it gave range fighters a chance to dodge after the first shot, or dual wielders to fight.
Dodging and Parrying was possible post-patch 1, but it still required Armor specifically crafted for dodging or weapons with parrying aspects in order for any combat to be other than Do-or-Die type combat. Those who didn't have such armor were often at a disadvantage when confronting a mob of equal or greater level. For mobs of lesser level or capability, one would expect greater chance of dodging or parrying. This does not seem to be the case, when a suckling yubo has a 20-25% chance of hitting a level 60+ melee fighter in light armor (that is over 10x the yubo level, if the loot drop is an indication of level of mob).
To me, it's more interesting to combat 1 or 2 mobs for 2-3minutes then to combat 1 mob for 15 seconds. The longer time allowed for various finessing moves, and gave me greater satisfaction once a mob was subdued.
Re: Dodge complaints?
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:40 am
by zzeii
tobaran wrote:Combat after patch 1, and before mini patch 20, was nearly a die or survive type combat.
Just out of curiosity, is there any other kind of combat?
I do agree that it was alot more easier to get hit by lower level mobs then pre-patch. Probably more than intended in some cases. But a lvl 6 hitting a lvl 60 player 20-25% of the time is about the same chance a lvl 60 fighter has of hitting a lvl 114 mob. You can't go by the multiplicative difference in level in comparison. That would be saying a lvl 125 fighter should have the same chance of hitting a level 250 mob comparable to a level 1 fighter trying to hit a level 2 mob.
With the current changes, there is an increase in parry/dodge, that now more reflects the difference in level. But as my test above shows, you can, and should, get hit even by lower level mobs (as I believe it should be, this helps cut down on mass farming of lower level mobs. I used to gather 400+ mats pre-patch in about 30 minutes in dew drops killing things that didn't give xp, now I'd have to bring a healer to match that).
And fights are generally short when you a)solo mobs (that you can handle) around your level, or b)have a full team trying to kill 1 mob that isn't significantly above the highest team members level. If you have a small sized team fighting things 15-20 levels over the highest member, your fights will last 1+ minute, which does allow for finesse and will give you good xp as well. For now, til they adjust carnivore damage, I'd suggest sticking with herbivore mobs for safer and more reliable xp. Testing and trying various types and levels of them to find which one gives the best xp with the least amount of downtime.
Re: Dodge complaints?
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:51 am
by zzeii
Wu to the new adjustments!
I was recently digging in one of my more favorite areas, when a Creeping Cute decided to ruin my fun. Having recently used speed up I decided to try and 'evade' the mob (aka ducking behind bushes/wagons/landscapes). Well it wasn't working the best, while I wasn't getting swung at alot, I wasn't putting enough distance between me and the cute to lose aggro.
Then I started to notice...
Pre-patch 1, these critters were hitting for 850 max, and even with blind on my weap it'd be a real close call. Now this little bugger was only hitting me for 443. And I was dodging alot of the attacks. (my LA was about 84/100 on the dodge mod scale on creation, and only q70). So I'm like what the heck, what do I have to lose, running will probably get me killed anyways. So I pop my melee protection aura, equip my pike and start beating on him. And after the aura wore off, I was STILL dodging over half of the attacks! I dodge 9 times total, and was hit 7 (discounting hits while I was equiping, but counting the hits while trying to evade). It was really close near the end (I actually had to pop invulnerability to sit and heal some, and had used my self heal), but I managed to slay the foul creature, getting 3kxp! Had I gone to fight it from the get go, I probably wouldn't have had to use my invulnerability to sit and increase my regen.
I've heard some people say that carnivore damage was tweaked a little with this current patch, I haven't seen it yet. But against a non-carnivore aggressive mob, I whooped it down good.
This was done using 135 in 2h pierce. q70 LA with hp, and q100 hp jewelry. Pike was q140 (with no hp bonus, nor max damage, but high speed 308/27).