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Pets are nice.)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:07 pm
by oblivian
Hi just a quick question. Will there be pets intraduced into the game apart from packers and ridable packers?. Somthing like a beast master skill would be so cool to tame pets in the wild.

Re: Pets are nice.)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:21 pm
by darpz
oblivian wrote:Hi just a quick question. Will there be pets intraduced into the game apart from packers and ridable packers?. Somthing like a beast master skill would be so cool to tame pets in the wild.
aye i agree, that would ROCK - i have a personal gingo protection squad ;)

Re: Pets are nice.)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:25 pm
by minardi
Would be ok if there where a limit on how many you could have..

Re: Pets are nice.)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:36 pm
by mboeing
Well I would like to get mounts first and then they can think about intoducing other pets.

I like pets in general although they might make gameplay totally imbalanced.

It must be carefully considered what kind of pets with which functions might be introduced. How to control them and how to impose limits on their skills and number.

If you want to get pets just to show them off with no fighting skill that might be the easiest thing to implement. Once they get fighting skills and even if its only as a meat shield, balancing issues strike.

I want a harvestor pet that roams the area and collects craftable mats =P. I see a Shala very usefull for that because he has a huge mouth and nice teeth to loosen the earth.

Re: Pets are nice.)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:40 pm
by pcheez
Wish i could get a Voidwalker or Succubus from the netherrealm :(

Re: Pets are nice.)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:54 pm
by helbreat
swg's creature handler system was pretty well balanced as the mob could be used pretty effectivly to partol form up in squads (if you had more than 1 pet depending on your skill lvl) go to set patrol points. you fed them with food you foraged, or crafted from materials you harvested. they could fight but not as strong as a player char, just helped with tanking, taking a bit of the heat. only swg have an added twist of bio engineer who can make pets with samples of dna from all different types of mob which ryzom wouldnt have :P

Re: Pets are nice.)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:31 am
by rubens
i asked Vince this question during Fb and as i remmember he said "there will be in the future"

Re: Pets are nice.)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:59 am
by sprite
They stated in one of the devchats that they would be introducing some kind of "animal trainer" skill tree.

But then they also said that we would be able to fly up to the branches at some point :rolleyes: Take it as you want.

Re: Pets are nice.)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 9:25 am
by vin99
Pets would be so cool :D

Re: Pets are nice.)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 9:37 am
by sprite
helbreat wrote:only swg have an added twist of bio engineer who can make pets with samples of dna from all different types of mob which ryzom wouldnt have :P
I don't see why not... the Zorais are genetically modified (those creepy masks) by the kami, and I bet the karavan can do stuff like that too; so I guess it could come into it at the highest lvls (way above what we have now) once the story gets further along.