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Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 10:15 pm
by dakkon3
For the love of god Nevrax, please remove the insane tree splits that occur after lvl 100 armour crafting. Currently, Armour crafting and Jewlery crafting are the most tedious and insanely time consuming aspects a player can attempt to lvl in this game. From my experience no other tree skill has such ridiculous splits. After lvl 100, armour crafting splits into six different trees! SIX! At this point you are forced to level each individual piece seperately, which many people have already calculated at 300,000 mats to raise armour crafting from lvl 100 to lvl 150. Does noone see a problem with this? Even after Patch 1 and the low xp rate for the other three skill trees of Melee, Magic and Harvest, people will reach lvl 250 in all of them before a crafter can even get to 150 in armour crafting. There is a serious imbalance in that regard. There are lots and lots of people who are already over lvl 220 in either melee or magic or harvesting, yet i havent seen ANY crafters out there who are above lvl 120 in heavy or light armour crafting because even with heavy guild support the 300,000 mat requirenment is just unfathomable of a goal to reach. I personally see little if any inclination to continue heavy armour crafting when after a week of harvesting ive only been able to go from lvl 100 heavy armour crafting to lvl 102. Its impossible to keep up the grind when you see little if any progress being made in your primary skill. The other three skills at least have the enjoyment of seeing a good amount of progression after grinding their melee or magic or harvest for a week. Not so with crafting.
My suggestion is to eliminate the six individual trees for heavy armour and have it be one tree just like in all the other skills. For example, if you want to lvl pike in melee you have 2 hand fighting up to 100, 2 hand piercing up to 150, pike up to 200 and master pike up to 250. Same goes for Harvesting, you have Desert Forage up to 100, Advanced Desert Forage up to 150, Expert Desert Forage up to 200, and Master Desert Forage up to 250. Why not do this with crafting. Currently we have Armour crafting to 50, Heavy armour Crafting to 100, and then??? 6 different trees for each individual piece. After 100 it should be Advanced heavy armour crafting up to 150, then Expert heavy armour crafting up to 200 and Master heavy armour crafting to 250. I dont see any reason to make crafting armour such a tedious and time consuming chore by splitting it into 6 different trees. If they dont rebalance armour crafting, in a month we will see a lot of lvl 250 melees running around in Q120 armour. Not my idea of balance, especially now that mobs are insanly strong and high quality armour is more important than ever.
Re: Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:22 am
by parisg
I just dinged lvl 50 in armor crafting and I dont believe my eyes... I feel like Heracles trying to clean that giant stable.
Forget about the chore in front of you. The question is also what in the world are you going to do with the masses of SP that you would get by levelling 6 branches. I dont see any other stanzas coming in anymore.
Re: Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:38 am
by aylwyne
As someone that likes to do a bit of everything, I can certainly see your point.
However, I don't think the game designers expect someone to master all lines of a skill in any short amount of time. It's like that in other skills in the game. If you decide to generalize and try to build several items, it'll take longer. If you specialize and build one thing, you could reach 250 MUCH quicker.
It's really the same in all branches, some more than others, due to the amount of splits as you pointed out. In melee, you could become L250 in one weapon but still be low level in all the others. If you want to raise your skill in all weapons it'll take a lot longer.
Re: Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:16 am
by Fred1l1
at least extend jewelry up to 100 before it splits...splitting jewelry at 50 is just crazy!

Re: Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:19 am
by parisg
Basically the splits prevent people from leveling. That is their only purpose. What I am missing are extra stanzas that you would receive along the way. Give me to make that extra pair of boots. Give a sword master a nice special attack. Then I would understand the split because it adds to the atmosphere of the game.
Currently the split is only an extra grind.
Re: Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:33 am
by tinpony
parisg wrote:Basically the splits prevent people from leveling. That is their only purpose. What I am missing are extra stanzas that you would receive along the way. Give me to make that extra pair of boots. Give a sword master a nice special attack. Then I would understand the split because it adds to the atmosphere of the game.
Currently the split is only an extra grind.
Not sure if this is an intended side effect, but splitting armour also ensures that people will be making all 6 types of heavy armour and reselling it for the market. With the easy availability of grind mats, I can make a fair selection of good armour (not wonderful armour, but good) and resell it cheaply to those people going through 4 suits of heavy armour a day. Check out light armour vendors and you'll find dozens of skirts and vests at q100 and under but very very few gloves/boots/sleeves. Last night in Pyr, I only found 2 pairs of nonNPC gloves.
Re: Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:37 am
by jjm152
parisg wrote:Basically the splits prevent people from leveling. That is their only purpose. What I am missing are extra stanzas that you would receive along the way. Give me to make that extra pair of boots. Give a sword master a nice special attack. Then I would understand the split because it adds to the atmosphere of the game.
Currently the split is only an extra grind.
I haven't really looked at armor, but evidently there are extra weapons you can create at skill 150 in a specific weapon that have special particle effects on them. I've seen a couple floating around.
I think that may be the reward intended. It seems kind of meek to me, especially in the case of armor where you need several pieces to be effective.
It would be nice if there were superior armors (not just in looks) or the ability to add special attributes to armor you create other than the standard hp/stam/sap/focus
But yeah, it does look like just an extra grind.
I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if the population was larger and there were more people working on crafting. That way you may be able to get your vest from one guy... you pants from another, and so on.
However right now there just aren't that many crafters in any particular land for that level of speciality to pay off.
Good idea in theory, but unfortunately the low player populations make it rather painful in practice.
Re: Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:02 am
by eegreen
I think what the many splits in the Armor Crafting skill tree is meant to do is make each crafter specialize. By this I mean only make boots, or only make vests. I have read, and agree with the posts about how tedious it is to level armor crafting from lvl100 to lvl150. The problem may be that the designers of this skill system didn't want you to be able to level all the branches of armor crafting easily.
Making people specialize has its advantages and disadvantages.
One advantage is that you have to interact more with other players and NPCs to get the gear you want. Another is that with crafters specializing in just one piece of armor, the quality of that piece will be much higher than if they leveled all pieces.
A disadvantage of this is the monotony of making only one piece of armor over and over again. Another is that it is hard to find a complete set of matching armor (quality, color, dodge/parry) if you have to buy it from many different sellers.
I'm only at level 19 crafting, so I haven't had to specialize yet, and may not have a full understanding of the system. But that's how I see it from what I've expereinced and what I've heard people say.
Re: Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:06 am
by swayzo
This is how I see it. Ok lvl melee or magic too 200. Then kill lvl 100 mobs for crafting items. Should be able to do it fast and farm lots of mats. Unless you have a guild then tell them to farm mats for you specific ones to hold on too.
But yeah it would be great if they streamlined it.
Re: Please streamline Armour Crafting!!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:09 am
by buzyb77
i have no problem with the Branching trees because i think some People Can make Better Hats than others