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Birthright, A Matis Roleplaying Guild (Windermeer)

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:39 pm
by eschiava
Birthright is a Matis only (for now) Roleplaying guild on the Windermeer (NA) Server. We are a brand new guild, so if your interest is role play, if you would see the Matis race re-inherit its birthright which was lost in the kitin invasion, then Birthright may be the place for you.

Our first goal will of course be to establish a fighting force to stem, once and for all, the kitin tide and make the lands safe for all. Of course, a fighting force is nothing without foragers and crafters to support and supply them, all are needed for our success, and all will share equally in the glory of victory.

Once the kitin threat is behind us we will have no doubt proven the fighting and leadership abilities of Matis to be unequalled throughout all Atys. It is then that we will, through whatever means are required, whether diplomatic or military, claim the birthright of (and for) All Matisians.

Now accepting applications from any Matisian with a desire for role play who would bring glory to the Matisian race.

Inquiries are welcome in this thread, or pm me here on the forum or ingame. (my ingame name is Miy)

Re: Birthright, A Matis Roleplaying Guild (Windermeer)

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:43 pm
by eschiava
There is now a Birthright Guild Forum, it is part of the SoR RPA forum, look towards the bottom.

Re: Birthright, A Matis Roleplaying Guild (Windermeer)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:40 pm
by theduce
Sounds fun! With the PvP changes, guild battles, soon to be patched what is your stance on PvP? I like PvP and the thing that finially made my mind up as to if to play SoR was the new PvP patch information.


A Formal Apology To The SoR Roleplaying Community

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:31 pm
by eschiava
I originally was attracted to SoR as a wonderful vehicle for some vibrant and exciting RP. Perhpas one day that will indeed develop but for now, I have found the roleplay to be all but totally lacking, ingame at least. Yes, there has been the rare exception, and you know who you are. To you I offer my thanks for making my brief journey in the world of Atys a little less bleak, but ultimately, my stay here has been a sad one rather than a happy one.

I uderstand from what I am now hearing that the RP light may be dawning in Atys, but for me that light is arriving too late. I have not been able to bring myself to log into Ryzom for a week now, the thought of it is just too depressing.

So, this morning I deleted Miy, I assume that means that the guild she founded, Birthright is no more. If any wish to continue the tradition I tried to begin with Birthright, feel free to do so with my fullest blessing. All of the ideas expressed on these forums or ingame by me may be freely used by any player for any purpose.

To those few who are saddened by my departure and Miy's untimely demise, I can only offer my apology, and my wish that those with the patience to remain with SoR will one day establish the RP presence in the game that I once hoped to nurture into life myself. I wish you all well.

Anyone with questions about the future of the SoR RPA should contact me at If you are interested in keeping it going I can probably turn the controls of the forum over to an interested party.

And so that nobody has the wrong impression about what I am trying to express here, I do not blame anyone for what is happening but myself.