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Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:42 am
by loyats
First off, I , myself am continuing to play, but at this point am neither for or against continuing to play once the "big ones" come out. I love the escence of this game and wish it would become more playable for me as a soloer, but understand that Neverax may not want soloing to be a viable option in THEIR world. I know this is Neverax's baby and they can do with it what they want. I understand both sides of the spectrum, and the battle they are having. The initial exodus after patch one was scary. What is even more scary to me is that the "fanbois" that are die hard about this game don't care because they can survive. That's just great it really is, as I modify the way I play and try to relearn Ryzom, I am begining to have fun occassionally too.


By flaming the people that are flaming the game, yes you are defending something you love/ enjoy. I try to too, but some of you are getting so verbally violent and abusive about it, or are sopigheaded about some of the problems players are having, that you are making the fan base windle even more.

It would be truely sad if the close all but one "joint-language" server, becasue of the players. Perhaps we should be more constructive about other's problems instead of bashing them with their problems. If you aren't having a problem leveling, then invite someone who is into your group. If you know the proper way to get the most out of harvesting then teach someone new. If you know what materials make what type of specific attributes for weapons and armor, then teach, teach, teach. Don't just bash.

It would be truely sad if it was not actually patch one that killed Sor, but hte post-patch die hards that did it.

Re: Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:47 am
by spaero
Very well Put, Loyats.

Re: Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:55 am
by jjm152
spaero wrote:Very well Put, Loyats.
Loyats that is exactly what happened to me today.

I am not writing a post to these guys. I am writing a post to the developers and to the CSR people to pass along to the developers. I have issues with the game and I would like for them to either be resolved or to be told that they won't be fixed so I can choose to invest my time in another area.

Instead I get a bunch of people crawling out of the woodwork insinuating that I am a moron or don't know how to use my abilities right or I planned my character incorrectly.

If all of these things are true, then there is basically nothing I can do about - right? I can't re-plan my character... If I am a moron then I will never be able to succeed anyway. So whats the point?

Essentially everyone who argues against me in a thread is just saying that I am not a good enough of a player to be successful at this game. I don't think thats true myself, because I have done very well in many other games and enjoyed myself alot. But whatever, sometimes it is easier for these folks to belittle detractors than it is to acknowledge that the game they enjoy so much has some warts.

It is like acknowleging that the sports team you love is not a great sports team. Some of us are cubs fans and we're ok with it, others are yankees fans and they can't deal with it. That's about as best of an analogy that I can come up with.

Anyway. Cubs in '05.

PS: The members of the community that flamed me to bits in my frustration did more to drive me towards that cancel today than any single bug or issue I've had with this game since I bought it. I hope they are happy that in their zealous defending of whatever it is they feel like they are defending these days, that they know they cost this company that they love so much some real money. Maybe they will make up my subscription with a donation to Nevrax. Maybe not.

Re: Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:03 am
by yy48n19
jjm152 wrote:The members of the community that flamed me to bits in my frustration did more to drive me towards that cancel today than any single bug or issue I've had with this game since I bought it. I hope they are happy that in their zealous defending of whatever it is they feel like they are defending these days, that they know they cost this company that they love so much some real money. Maybe they will make up my subscription with a donation to Nevrax. Maybe not.

I hate to even post this, because I feel it is just more fuel for your fire, but I have to point out, jjm, that every post I can remember reading by you has been full of hostility. All I can say is that, if you are so hostile, of course that's going to be reflected back to you; and even if it's not, I'm afraid that with so much negativity brooding in you, you're going to perceive anything that anyone says that is not in agreement with your views as hostile.

Re: Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:04 am
by zzeii
On that note.

I would like to apologize for any and all comments I made in an antogonistic manner towards other people.

I do love this game, and like your favorite sports team, someone saying ill of its performance wont exactly result in kosher comments from you. I'm sorry for letting my love for this game get the better of me.

I do try and be as helpful as I can to others in game. And I have been known to go off when someone makes a generalized statement 'This game #@#$ing sucks'. Most of the time, I try and be reasonable and find out what is wrong. Sometimes, it doesn't go so well. For this, again, I apologize.

I try my best to not be insulting, but sometimes my 'tone' comes across as such. I'm trying to work on this, for it is unnecessary and very unproductive. I do not do it to say 'I'm better than you', it's just the way I currently express myself, and am working to change that.

So jjm..If you are willing to accept my apology on that and willing to give SoR another chance. I still have the pike. If not, then best of luck in your future game, whichever one you choose.


Re: Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:06 am
by dpkdpk
jjm152 wrote:Loyats that is exactly what happened to me today.

I am not writing a post to these guys. I am writing a post to the developers and to the CSR people to pass along to the developers.
I might suggest that you email or if you don't want replies from people on the forum who may disagree with you...

Re: Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:12 am
by jjm152
yy48n19 wrote:I hate to even post this, because I feel it is just more fuel for your fire, but I have to point out, jjm, that every post I can remember reading by you has been full of hostility. All I can say is that, if you are so hostile, of course that's going to be reflected back to you; and even if it's not, I'm afraid that with so much negativity brooding in you, you're going to perceive anything that anyone says that is not in agreement with your views as hostile.

You should follow your instinct and not have posted this. It's nothing but insulting. Infering that that I am overly negative is just belittling my frustration with the game. Obviously I see a problem. Obviously I am going to be negative about it. I am frustrated and not having any fun. This should all be obvious. I don't need people telling me I am *wrong* for not having any fun. What point is there to that?

Also, things I post are not my views, but factual things that happen to me in the game. My view would be: This is bad.

Argue against that all you want I suppose... but I don't see what the point is since no one will ever win. But still that doesn't stop people from infering that I am drooling retard.

People with this additude literally cost Nevrax money today. Sure my 14.95 a month may not be a big deal, but it shouldn't have happened anyway. I am sure however they are very appreciative of everyones efforts to defend them at the cost of their own subscription base.

Re: Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:03 am
by keriann
I have just emailed their support the question asking them if they are going to fix the monsters the way they was or not. I HATE waste my time with a game that is a pain in the butt.

Re: Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:04 am
by svayvti
and some people like to be eternally positive and insensitively make light of serious difficulties others are having.

Some people act like it is great to be positive all the time, but do you really want a jester or a comedian when your baby just died?

Enjoy being as happy as you want, you should. But keep in mind that if you continue to drive people away you only add to the demise of the game that you claim to enjoy so much.

Game developers need customers, and MMOs need lots of them. The one or two digit populations of main zones show where the game is headed rapidly enough.

Re: Driving away.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:46 am
by keriann
lol and think of it... I am a very positive and enthusiastic person usually, the only situation I get mad against is... when my choiches gets brutally severed.

in this game I do not have anymore playing choiches. I cannot fight I cannot do magic I cannot harvest (my harvested materials are NOT getting back, I tried in all the ways possible) I cannot craft (DUH whithout materials..)

I've waited. I've waited more, I've got mad. death to nevrax.