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This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 10:54 am
by canable
I know every one and his dog is *****ing about the mobs etc...but they do have a point.

Been at work alot over last few days so not realy played but i read what everyone is saying and thought "well there are always ways round it" But after 1 and a half hours of Building up DP then trying to clear it , it's getting to me.

I found a mob i can NOW solo in resting waters the {Basic} Izam in rw for about 1000 Xp and about 10k DP , But after clearing just enough DP to cover 1 death , there are non left for me to kill, so i haed up to Dew drop to try kill some lower mobs with a lower skill and i still bloodey die.

So what is pissing me of is that i have died about 5 times this morning in a hour and a half , and well i can't find mobs now to clear my DP.

I don't normaly complane about stuff and find it sad when people do but i left SWG for this after 1 and a half years and well i am woundering why now.

I dont mind that they made it slower to get lvls but i can't solo anything anymore and when i only get a 2 days a week to play at moment and all my time is taken up clearning DP it starts to get to me.

Way i see it is this.

For example Trayker land there are 3 distinct areas DD/RW/Lake

DD for lvl 50-100
RW for llv 100+
Lake for 20-50

That was pre Patch , well now the lvls have moved , But they have not scalled the XP to match the mobs that we are able to kill, At lvl 106 melle i feal i should be lvling in DD now but the mobs are to low really for any XP gain, so what do i do ?

If they just incresed the respawn of Mobs then I would hope i would not run out of the mobs I can kill.

Rant over .... going to get a Can of beer at 11 am to try chill out abit before i go back to clearing all the bloodey DP.


Re: This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:09 am
by keriann
mmmmm lemme guess you are a weekend player and just came in? it's from wenesday it's stupid like that.

Re: This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:13 am
by canable
No i am a player that plays as much as i can , But i work in Retail and becuse it's Xmas I do about 50 hours a week at moment. So today was my first day of since patch on wedsday.

Re: This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:28 am
by keriann
ouch! well it only gets worse.. here I can direct you to a few threads that can help a bit your aliments:
The Saga of Ryzom > North American Community - English > General
Petition and Letter to Our Friends at Nevrax

this one is important, please sign. it's the petition to put back the stuff as it was.
The Saga of Ryzom > North American Community - English > General

these intergalactic news will help you to lighten up your mood

Re: This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:12 pm
by sprite
Ok, let me get this right... You're lvl106 melee and you can only just kill a "basic" Izam? (I'm assuming you mean one of the smallest ones here)

That's crazy and I'm sorry to sound rude, but either I am misunderstanding you, or you must be doing something wrong. Yesterday I went out around Pyr in Fyros (I am a lvl 39 mage) with a friend who is lvl 30something melee, and we were killing Scowling, Growling Goaris and Gingos for about 1.8k xp. Sometimes we died, but really only if we were stupid and pulled more than 2. We could sit there quite happily killing Scampering Caprynis/Yubos for hours and not die. Admittedly we got less xp from the herbivores, but they weren't that much of a risk.

Now it may be that you just have to team to manage after the patch, but that's not *that* hard, and I have seen plenty of people soloing (including myself as a mage killing up to Vulgar Kipee with relative ease)

So I guess what I'm saying is, try teaming up, re-evaluate what mobs are good targets, or maybe Tryker just aren't as cool as Fyros after all :cool:

Re: This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:58 pm
by canable
Dude By basic Izam i mean Basic Izam for Resting waters in Traker land there about lvl 106

Re: This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:47 pm
by sprite
canable wrote:Dude By basic Izam i mean Basic Izam for Resting waters in Traker land there about lvl 106
In that case, I suggest you re-evaluate what mobs are good for you to kill.

Re: This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:56 pm
by weiseman
took me several deaths to find out what mob had best xp reward/chances of dying while soloing.
I found it, it's a mob i never attacked before... and once they're all dead, waiting for them to spawn again is the best way to do (instead of looking for something else and getting killed there)

Re: This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:45 pm
by jjm152
weiseman wrote:took me several deaths to find out what mob had best xp reward/chances of dying while soloing.
I found it, it's a mob i never attacked before... and once they're all dead, waiting for them to spawn again is the best way to do (instead of looking for something else and getting killed there)
Yes, exploring is bad. The best way to play this game now is to find the weakest monster that can possibly give you any XP and mass murder them over and over and over again until you level.

Then carefully search out next victim.

To me: This is boring.

Re: This is silly.... Getting fustrated after 1 and a half hours...

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:16 pm
by keriann
relax, world of warcraft comes out on monday and there it is possible to explore and ALSO you even get xp for exploring. ryzom is simply doomed to vanish. they got til monday to fix it then many will simply leave and forget of ryzom.