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Vendor Request (for players)

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:43 pm
by syneris
Ok, here's a little info some people probably don't know. Sell prices on items are 25% of npc value and resell is set at 50% npc value. Learn the filter system to narrow down the items you are looking to buy.

Crafters: Stop selling items made from the best choice mats for what the vendor systems says to resell at. 12k for a Q80 two-handed weapon is WAY TO LOW! Take a look at how much it would cost you to buy the choice+ mats from harvesters on the vendor and price accordingly please.

Harvesters: Please don't price you're basic mats higher than store mats. Why would i want to buy your players vendored q100 mats for 2500 each when i can get an unlimited supply for less than 2000. Players will buy basic and fine at 50% value (default resell) fast to grind what they need. You will only get 25% if it doesn't sell, but if you price it right you can probably almost get 100% value for them. Lower priced will sell faster ofcourse. From what i've seen on the vendors, most choice mats seem to be priced about right. Keep you're choice+ mat high enough to make it worth it to you but low enough for crafters to make profit from crafting.

Fighters: Read above on basic/fine quatered mats. I'm not going to buy your q56 shells for 3000 when q100 store basic is 1700 or even choice q50 is only 2000. Again do you want 25% value from not selling something in 7 days or 50-100% from pricing them right?

Re: Vendor Request (for players)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 5:56 am
by syneris
7 votes (not including mine)