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When you fix monsters?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:32 pm
by keriann
they are broken, deals too much damage, I cannot even walk to a source for foraging that is out of town, the gingos and ragus kills me outright (some of them could even before expecially in packs but I HAD A FIGHTING CHANCHE BEFORE) it is impossible to solo anymore and is as well impossible to group fight decently since the fights resolves in a matter of seconds many healers or offensive mages doens't get a chanche to hit the enemy before the fighters dies even.
Also the whole exploration part of the world is simply useless. one cannot explore even at high levels (there are 250 levels if a level 150 has prolems with the monsters of majestic garden how in the name of heavens we are supposed to even travel to other lands at all?).

The game is not fun to play anymore. when you give us back the game we loved?