A good story about patch one.
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:59 am
Well, I logged on and got patched up today eagerly anticipating the changes in the long hyped and awaited patch one. I decided to make a new character to go along with the new patch. I didn't really like my old guy anyways and was ready to start afresh. So i create a tryker and i'm off to newbie island. First thing I notice is i start with Acid 1. I think cool, now i don't have to find someone to follow around and heal. So i head out and find a Suckling Yubo to unleash my great power on. I die almost instantly. A SUCKLING YUBO killed my level 1 guy. Now we all know theres nothing lower than a Suckling Yubo, so I'm like.... WHAT! I try again, maybe it's a fluke, but no i die, then die again and again. I try fight and I die. Again i die. So it finally got though my thick head that I'm no match for a Suckling Yubo. At this point i'm pissed. Really pissed. So i do what any self respecting pissed person would do and and use the ingame support to file a claim. Within seconds I'm answered by a GM who says he's aware of the problem and he will submit it as a bug. He also recommend I find a group tell the problem is resolved. Now I am usually very fond of soloing, I like a good group, but usually like to do my own thing. So I put out a region tell and find someone. He's a new player and just got the game today, and let me tell you he was stoked. He thought it was a great game and kept pointing out things that he liked and comparing it favorably to other games he had played. So he has only a couple hours left to play before he has to log so he agrees to group with me and help me out to get me up to the point where i can solo a Suckling Yubo. Well I'll tell you, in that short time we had to play, i had just about the best time I ever had playing Ryzom. Every action we took mattered. Little things like waiting for to use my self heal tell the last second to make sure I could get the full 100 HP from it, if i didn't I would die. Having to make sure i increased my hit points instead of buying that new attack. Basically having to make very stratigic desicions rather than just throwing around my skill points as i did before the patch. Now I'm not claiming that the patch is perfect. But i think if we all took a step back and looked at the game with newbie eyes, I think most would find that it's still a good game. Maybe even better.
Please don't flame me I love you!
Please don't flame me I love you!