response to cerestes comments about the patch
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:45 pm
>Having watched the reactions to the first evening's play
Thats right, they sat back and watched. They were like oh thats intersting, peopel are hating their lives right now becaus ethey have invested so much time in a game that we decided to nerf.
>we are pleased to >announce that the dev teams are preparing a new >patch
Please stay we need our jobs?
>to fine tune the combat and iron out the difficulties that some players were >having
why fix something that isnt broken? what was wrong with pre patch 1 with fighting? why didnt they just remove blind?
>The patch will also include the foraging changes that were announced >yesterday, based on player feedback from the Advanced Test Server.
if you had these comments from ATS why did this go live?
>The patch will be done today.
Nice harvesting patch. Your magic gloves still dont work. The packers dont work. The apartments dont work. Not swimming fast makes the game more boring. Having to stand still so you can teleport is just an annoyance. Noone can ever walk to another civilization giving ME a huge advantage again.
Make the game fun or the player base leaves, just like me. The only reason I'm still posting in these forums is that I have been putting 60+ hours a week into this game and i wanted to play for two years. I'll be looking for changes until november 23rd. You should credit us for the time you allowed this patch to be on the server.
Thats right, they sat back and watched. They were like oh thats intersting, peopel are hating their lives right now becaus ethey have invested so much time in a game that we decided to nerf.
>we are pleased to >announce that the dev teams are preparing a new >patch
Please stay we need our jobs?
>to fine tune the combat and iron out the difficulties that some players were >having
why fix something that isnt broken? what was wrong with pre patch 1 with fighting? why didnt they just remove blind?
>The patch will also include the foraging changes that were announced >yesterday, based on player feedback from the Advanced Test Server.
if you had these comments from ATS why did this go live?
>The patch will be done today.
Nice harvesting patch. Your magic gloves still dont work. The packers dont work. The apartments dont work. Not swimming fast makes the game more boring. Having to stand still so you can teleport is just an annoyance. Noone can ever walk to another civilization giving ME a huge advantage again.
Make the game fun or the player base leaves, just like me. The only reason I'm still posting in these forums is that I have been putting 60+ hours a week into this game and i wanted to play for two years. I'll be looking for changes until november 23rd. You should credit us for the time you allowed this patch to be on the server.