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Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:28 pm
by loyats
Having been up all night reading the posts and eventually giving up on making comments, not that i was the most professional person in the world. And since i happened to already be on my first month anyway. Tears came to my eyes litterally as the all-powerful Cerest announced the patch. Now if only i can convince my friends to stay, heck someof them didn't even get to experience it.
Here's to Neverax and hope for the furture of Ryzom.
Re: Yay!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:30 pm
by stellus
It's good news, but I'm worried as to HOW they're going to "fix" it.
Re: Yay!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:35 pm
by hivewasp
stellus wrote:It's good news, but I'm worried as to HOW they're going to "fix" it.
Well since I have now mage gloves I can see my character sneezing a lot... that might kill big Zerx from a mile away if they apply the same kind of fix to combat difficulty ... *atcheee* *dead torback* you gain 3.000xp in sneezing
Re: Yay!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:41 pm
by spaero
Hope they are "FINE TUNING" with the meat axe needed to reverse the serious imbalance. I have 1 Day of free play left tomake my decision.
Re: Yay!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:53 pm
by gralen
hivewasp wrote:Well since I have now mage gloves I can see my character sneezing a lot... that might kill big Zerx from a mile away if they apply the same kind of fix to combat difficulty ... *atcheee* *dead torback* you gain 3.000xp in sneezing
Too funny...the constant sneezing by the women of Atys has been good for a laugh for a long while now.
Re: Yay!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:59 pm
by korin77
Maybe they are allergic to giant boxing gloves?
Re: Yay!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:19 pm
by svayvti
While things didn't hit me nearly as hard as most yesterday, I think a character rollback to pre-patch is in order. Some of the horror stories of lost packer sets that can't be refunded, that destroys the game for people who had everything on it. If not a complete rollback, then I think there should at least be a select character rollback.
Some of the horror stories of lost packers, and I'm really worried about the results of another poorly-tested slap-patch.