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Revise XP system to help patch 1

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:04 pm
by mordred3
I have no qualms about making the game, or monsters, more difficult. I do have a problem when the difficulty is increased and the rewards (whatever they may be) are not. In games like this, the primary reward is experiance (XP).

This brings us to a major problem. Many players are now finding themselves threatened with mortal danger from critters that they used to shrug off as harmless. Not only did they not bother because the monster generally could not hit them if they were far over it's level (which made sense.. but dodge seems to have gone on vacation) but also because it simply was not worth it. I get 0 XP for every single thing in Majestic Garden (the "main" zone of Matis). So therefore it makes no sense for me to bother killing stuff in there.

After this patch however, stuff in Majestic Garden can severely harm me, and dare I say kill me if I did something wrong. Is this a complaint about me not being uber enough, or trying to brag how high level I am? No. I just simply fail to see why I should be being beaten up by monsters more than 100 levels below me when I at the same time get absolutely no XP from killing them.

This affects everyone. We now have to try harder to kill things that in the first place didn't give us much XP (or in some cases, none at all).

Now this could just be an attempt (albiet a bad one) to slow down leveling by a large factor. But this is the wrong way to do it. And besides, players level because that is all there is to do. Once the game implements it's story and content, I will be glad to stop leveling and experiance a nice involved story. So will most players, I think.

Let me just repeat. I dont mind making this game more dangerous and difficult. I *do* care that I have to exert even more effort now for the same gains. If something is going to bring me to 50% life or worse in a matter of hits, I think it's fair to say that it should give me at least a moderate amount of XP.

Otherwise, level difference needs to be re-implemented (as it was working via dodge) so I don't have to bother with pesky monsters that are just a waste of my time. Make monsters not aggro if there is a +50 level difference or something. Or turn back on dodge.

This isn't about powerleveling, it's simply about the fact that the rewards vs risks right now in this game are out of balance. Players will (and are) getting very frustrated that they are getting trounced upon by newbie things which they see no reason to even fight.