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Harvesting pet peeves

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:09 am
by uncus
1. People who see you harvesting and then run over and start prospecting [and usually harvesting] within 5m of you.

2. Those same people trigger an explosion behind you, which is followed by your own explosion - killing you.

3. Those same people continuing to harvest away while waiting for you to spawn off [as opposed to saying "oops! sorry! let me rez ya!"]

Got any other ones?

Re: Harvesting pet peeves

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:01 am
by lyrah68
Tracking taking you to basic materials, DEAD nodes, or "nothing here at the moment" nodes, Basic seeming to have a priority on tracking over ANY other grade.

And I agree, it always made me nervous when another player ran up and harvested near me without AT LEAST saying Hi, what ya finding here? If they asked I would tell them...and they could wait until I got what I needed, maybe harvesting out of blast range.

Easy solution to that one is 10 or 20 fighter levels and HP boosts. Now I am rather certain that the OTHER person will die to the blasts and I hit self heal HP 4 and watch THEM take the sand nap.

I am personally hoping that Patch one fixes the "suck it up" attitude at a node, you either have the HP and take the 800 point explosions *pucker face* or you learn to sit and FAST, better not LAG.

I must say that Fyros lands are pretty good about helping. I was in the Oasis the other day with a friend, we were foraging up some amber for some heal sticks (hash amber for pure speed), and another forager came up, looking for Tansy wood as she said, so...we looked for both amber AND tansy and she looked for Tansy and amber. We ended up finding her tansy and she found our amber and once we finished the first node, we swapped what we already had and switched places. It is SO much better to help out than to hinder, we ALL got what we wanted, no one lost out.

Re: Harvesting pet peeves

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:04 am
by larkid
My peeve:

50m detection tells you that you're standing RIGHT ON THE DEPOSIT RIGHT NOW OMFG YOU COULDN'T BE ANY CLOSER IF YOU STEPPED IN IT!!!!!!

Then you prospect for the same material you're detecting and it tells you that the specified material isn't present. Or that it's present, but 'nearby', which translates to meaning 40' way over there, behind that tree.

My solution:

A big huge blue glowing spot on the ground labelled

Re: Harvesting pet peeves

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:52 pm
by blogie
larkid wrote:My peeve:

50m detection tells you that you're standing RIGHT ON THE DEPOSIT RIGHT NOW OMFG YOU COULDN'T BE ANY CLOSER IF YOU STEPPED IN IT!!!!!!

Then you prospect for the same material you're detecting and it tells you that the specified material isn't present. Or that it's present, but 'nearby', which translates to meaning 40' way over there, behind that tree.

My solution:

A big huge blue glowing spot on the ground labelled
Hehehe well i can follow you on that one. But it seams there ar skils that beter yor luck in finding a node just cant seam to finde out what it is