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Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:02 pm
by jesder
Is the vendor system going to be opt-out or opt-in ?
Meaning .. Will I have to uncheck a box or reset a value just to sell something to the vendor and not have it become part of the vendor listings?
Re: Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:45 pm
by korin77
from the notes :
+Merchants will not allow homins to have more than 100 items in the pool at any one time. It is possible to drop items voluntarily from the pool, in which case the seller receives no bonus. It is equally possible to sell items to a merchant that are not to be pooled in which case the seller foregoes any possible bonus.
Looks like you can opt out by selling to merchants that don't participate in the pool.
Re: Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:51 pm
by jesder
korin77 wrote:fIt is equally possible to sell items to a merchant that are not to be pooled in which case the seller foregoes any possible bonus.
You are reading this differently than I am
You are saying the NPC is not part of the pool .. I read that as you can sell an item to an NPC and exclude it from the pool.
The question is .. If what I think it means is true, then what is the default?
Re: Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:56 pm
by trcroyle
jesder wrote:You are reading this differently than I am
You are saying the NPC is not part of the pool .. I read that as you can sell an item to an NPC and exclude it from the pool.
The question is .. If what I think it means is true, then what is the default?
I think what Jesder is asking is: Does he have to go out of his way (check a box) to exclude items from the vendor's inventory.
Ideally there would be two buttons, one for "Sell for a profit" and one for "Sell to Vendor" and doing either would then be equally easy.
Re: Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:01 pm
by Fred1l1
Well the easy way around the 'opt-out' problem would be to just sell to a different vendor than the item you are selling...however i agree there should be a button
Re: Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:03 pm
by trcroyle
Fred1l1 wrote:Well the easy way around the 'opt-out' problem would be to just sell to a different vendor than the item you are selling...however i agree there should be a button
+All merchants have access to their continent's pool. This means that people can sell items of all types to any merchant and have them added to the pool.
Re: Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:08 pm
by Fred1l1
Whoops missed out on that bad
Well thats why they have the drop-out button...but it would be much more efficient to have the opt-out button...Devs have 4 days to put this in...hopefully it gets up there

Re: Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:25 pm
by daleknd
As a matter of fact, I can even sell all my light armor to the weapons merchant if I want, it will still end up being offered for resale only by the light armor vendor.
As to the opting out, I just hope that whichever way it goes, it is not something to check item by item. There should be one box at the bottom of the trade window that is either checked or not and maintains its state as long as I have that window open.
That way I check the box once and sell 10 or 20 items. An extra check on each item would be tedious to say the least.
My other concern as a forager is taht I think they treat each material as a separate item toward the list of 100. Does anyone know whether mats can be stacked and treated as one item? Otherwise a crafter being able to put up 100 pieces of armor is a much greater potential than a forager only able to put up 100 units of material.
I also wonder if there will be any feedback from sales. Will the money just show up without anything telling us what sold? Paper and pencil inventory control is something I would like to avoid.
humble forager of the Fyros
Re: Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:45 pm
by lyrah68
The mat stacking issue is a bit of a pain. And I seriously HOPE that they fix that and soon. My packer is FULL, not due to weight, LORD no, Bessy could carry ten TIMES the weight she has on her now, but the ITEM number is limiting things. And when I checked. I had FOUR stacks of under ten each of several materials, EXACTLY the same in EVERY way.
I should be able to move items to a spot to organize my pack the way I want to. It is not as easy as organize by... I want to put items that go into the same recipe together (suit of armor here, weapons there, store JUNK at the bottom etc). And YES I want to be able to STACK stuff.
Re: Cerest or ATS testers - vendor question
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:11 pm
by korin77
Well I think I read it right. There will probably be specific merchants... IE suppliers who will buy your stuff without putting it in the pool. It wouldn't be much of a hunt as you know where they all are basically. Just sell to them instead of the normal merchants.
However If I read it your way, then I believe you will probably have to click on some confirmation window to sell it without pool.