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Crashing constantly today alomst every 5 min or so :(

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:51 pm
by clane
What gives? Please wait box is always up

Re: Crashing constantly today alomst every 5 min or so :(

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:33 pm
by p46985
Clane when the game loads don't move for 3 minutes, after that very slowly turn around and then you can play. This is not a joke try it out it works for me. I have a very powerful computer but i guess when the game is loaded it still takes time to load everything because the code is not optimised.

Re: Crashing constantly today alomst every 5 min or so :(

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:00 am
by yy48n19
p46985 wrote:Clane when the game loads don't move for 3 minutes, after that very slowly turn around and then you can play. This is not a joke try it out it works for me. I have a very powerful computer but i guess when the game is loaded it still takes time to load everything because the code is not optimised.

Bizarre, but worth a try. My connection always seems laggy as hell. But maybe that's just 56k for ya. **shrug**

Re: Crashing constantly today alomst every 5 min or so :(

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:39 pm
by cerest
clane wrote:What gives? Please wait box is always up
Honestly this sounds like the infamous Linkys router issue. Do you happen to have one of them? Here's what to do:

• First solution

- Find out your own local address (open a dos command / prompt window, type 'ipconfig' and note the IP, for exemple :

- In your favorite browser, go to your routers address, such as (depending on your network set up), leave the user name blank and as a password type 'admin'. If you have changed these attributes, be sure to use your current settings.

- Go in the /Advanced/ menu then into /DMZ Host/

- On the right hand site of /DMZ Host IP Address/, enter the last number of your IP address that you looked up earlier, for us it would be 100.

- Hit /Apply/

- It is highly suggested that you set up a firewall on your machine, such as Zone Alarm, Kerio, ..

• Second solution

- Find out your own local address (open a dos command / prompt window, type 'ipconfig' and note the IP, for exemple :

- In your favorite browser, go to your routers address, such as (depending on your network set up), leave the user name blank and as a password type 'admin' If you have changed these attributes, be sure to use your current settings.

- Go to the /Advanced/ menu, then into /Forwarding/

- Add the following line (changing the IP with yours) : RYZOM 1000 To 3000 TCP: unchecked UDP : checked Enable: checked

I hope this helps. If you are still experiencing problems, please email and tell them that you have tried these and to no avail. Good luck!

Re: Crashing constantly today alomst every 5 min or so :(

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:05 pm
by wayas
i had this problem earlier this week, since like monday i started lagging more and more, with that please wait box showing every 20sec...
so i sent in a ticket ingame and turenkarn helped me...

what did i do?
* rebooted... (ryzom froze the comp and then i shut it down, but i never did a soft reboot, mem cleared, page cleared etc.)
* selected directx in ryzom config program (had it on opengl+nosound...)
* changed preference in nvidia drivers to use performance insted of best quality

dont know what it was but it helped... try it ^^

Re: Crashing constantly today alomst every 5 min or so :(

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:10 pm
by jdiegel
Please define crashing. The problem I run into, usually shortly after loading but sometimes randomly, is that the game will be running fine, then all of a sudden just freeze, with that hell spawn Please Wait box. Kind of like extreme lag. Sometimes if I just sit there for a couple of minutes I will eventually get control of the game back. More often than not I have to go into Task Manager, kill the game, and restart. I've been told my character flickers in and out of existence when this is happening. CPU usage is always at 100% when this is going on. It happens in cities the most. Some days this happens so often I give up. Other days I will play for hours straight without a single problem.

I ask because I'm using my lunch break today to go get a new vid card specifically for this reason. Mine current one is Nvidia, but an older one. I was thinking that was my problem.

Re: Crashing constantly today alomst every 5 min or so :(

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:36 pm
by jdiegel
O'well, even if it doesn't work, I've been meaning to get a new video card anway. Hopefully it fixes the problem. Now I just need to come up with an excuse for the new hard drive I purchased along with it.