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New Crafting Skill Trees IDEA!! and other stuff

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:58 pm
by buzyb77
ok from what i hear The apt and Guild Halls Lack Storage

How about a Funitue Craft Tree

Chest With Lock and Without

Weapon Racks "Pikes Would Look SOO Cool On A Rack"


Armor Dummies ex " some you could Just look at Some you can Take armor at

Targets "guild item" For a Fighting Feild that helps Show one how To make Better spells and attacks with out a heatlh Risk ie DP

Hat Racks

Coat Racks For the Winter Storms

Tables so we can "eat For Fun"

Ahh Chairs So we can Sit around

Some Plush and Last long time Others that are weak and break only to watch a person fall in them

add any other Funitue ideas ya got

Oh and try to make some Funny ideas

Like Skull Chairs So we can use the Skulls in crafting

Re: New Crafting Skill Trees IDEA!! and other stuff

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:00 pm
by kovah
I actually think that is a great idea, maybe something for patch 3 or 4 but definately worth considering.

Re: New Crafting Skill Trees IDEA!! and other stuff

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:57 pm
by rodrigoq
I'd rather have a STK(Surface to Kincher) launcher.
Hominapult would be fun aswell.. launch yorself several hundred meters so you don't have to run so far.

Possibly a new line of clothing for Tryker-patch dolls.. Ugly lil beasts trykers are.. they should be exterminated and replaced with yubos.