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Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:17 pm
by mikwana
This is just some thoughts that I've been having lately, while bored and perusing the threads.

Many many many threads (not people, as most people don't actually post), the majority probably, are complaining about two things: Decay rate and Foraging mats too slowly for the Crafters.

Now, these both stem from the same issue, the way I see it at least. That being that people are trying to 'rush' through and advance at the fastest possible rate.

Things only decay fast in two circumstances, either you are using equipment outside of what you 'should' for your relavent level, or you are fighting things bigger than what you 'should' be concentrating on. I say should, because you are free to play as you want, of course. However, you have to then accept that your methods will have consequences, in this instance, the rapid decay of equipment.

That decay from people trying to advance too fast bleeds over onto the harvesters. They can't dig fast enough to supply the crafters with mats because the 'speed deamons' are out there burning up their gear. Likewise, the crafters can't keep up the QL (most of them anyway) with what these powergamers want for their equipment because it takes a lot of materials and patience and work to get the crafting to the point to do it.

How long has Ryzom been out so far? 2 months? Less? I'd be willing to bet that most of those who are complaining and are on this leading edge are advancing FAR faster than what was predicted, which is why they are now paying the price. They are being forced to slow down due to these issues. Take a moment and just explore, see all the great sights, delve into the story that the town people have to tell. Crafters can't keep up with you? Switch to another culture for a bit.

This is, at least, what I've seen. Compared to other games, who out there was around when EQ first came out? How long did it take someone to get to level 50? It was a loooong time, considering with the right people, nowdays you can get there in a month.

Personally, I don't want the uber fast advancement, I just get a skill and after only one or two sessions of using it, it's already useless and I'm using the next one.

I'm not telling anyone how they are playing is wrong, or that they shouldn't/can't voice their opinions, but before spouting off about how something is broke or this or that needs to be improved/upgraded, take a step back and think on how it was intended and designed to be played, not the way you want it to be played.

All the negativity kinda gets annoying after a while. :)

Re: Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:26 pm
by jesder
Good post ..

However this shows something .. Neverax is doing nothing to fix the leveling rate of fighters. Which really are the driving force for crafters .. and the crafters are the driving force for the harvesters. So unless they look at the fighters, they will not be fixing the root cause.

Re: Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:36 pm
by xasher
I'm glad you posted this thread....i read a complaint about items and armor degrading too quickly in upper levels and was thinking about it yesterday. I think milk has hit the nail on the head.

I think, the problem alot of these people are having is theyre bringing a wax sword to a fight against a tank...per say.

If your using really crappy weapons and armor against high level mobs of course the items will degrade faster. I dont think this as a bug so much as it is just an inconvenience. Ultimately this so called bug will even the field out and force people to slow down.

i refer to my post lower in the forum about powerlevelling.

I realize most people who are experiencing the problem aren't very happy about it...but I really don't see why they are calling for a patch to something that is obviously put into place to prevent an unbalanced tip in the game.

To ask for a patch to prevent fighters from levelling too fast is not necessary will all come out in the wash, and either the fighters will slow down or they will have to deal with the degredation issue.

Re: Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:39 pm
by euwest
well, i believe they are looking at fighters... indirectly.

take a look at what's happening to blind.

Re: Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:48 pm
by korin77
This is not entirely true. Your assumptions are incorrect. As discovered by people, the decay rate incorrectly is based on the lowest level equipment in the group and mage's armor decay every time they cast. This 2nd decay is due to the old way of increasing the defense skill line for mages. However even though the line has been merged with every class, the decay rate for mage equipment still exists. This usually makes mages naked within a day at high levels fighting stuff that would only give 2k xp. This is not very realistic and certainly mages are not being hit so much so why should their armor wear out faster than fighters.

Re: Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:26 pm
by aether4u
jesder wrote:Good post ..

However this shows something .. Neverax is doing nothing to fix the leveling rate of fighters. Which really are the driving force for crafters .. and the crafters are the driving force for the harvesters. So unless they look at the fighters, they will not be fixing the root cause.
Exactly right! I just came to this realization last night actually while trying to sell a beautifully crafted q20 1hnd sword. I said, "Selling Q20 1hnd sword 61/61/29 15k" and proceeded to listen to tumbleweeds blowing across the sand outside of Fairhaven... nothing. Finally, I asked why no one wanted to buy it -- I thought it was good. Someone was kind enough to tell me that people rarely come to the mainland before level 30 (first issue). Second, he told me that he's only seen people buying upwards of Q50 items (second issue)! This made me sad, so I went to go try and powerlevel my crafting to 'catch up' with the other crafters.

Issue 1: Level 30 is a bit high IMHO to leave ANY game's n00bland. From what it seems to me, there's not too much encouragement to leave at the moment. Money's easy, the economy does well for < 50 crafters, you can gain fighting xp easily, etc. I left expecting to see many more players -- WRONG. God, I want to go back to n00bland sooo bad. This should not be the case. Caps and limitations need to be much more stringent on n00bland.

Issue 2: People only buy Q50 and higher items!? So, I thought about this... and just like this poster said earlier, fighters drive the industry. So how is everyone already WAY the hell up there in level while I'm still at 30 crafting and 35 harvesting? Easy. Killing mobs and gaining melee xp is WAYWAY easier and faster than getting money or harvesting, and then crafting items. It's like the rabbit and the hare. The fighters rocket up to lvl50 in no time while us crafter/harvesters have nobody to sell our wares to (which gives US experience) until we make our way to lvl50. That's a huge gap to do nothing but harvest and craft to sell to NPCs -- booooooring.

Re: Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:36 pm
by svayvti
I think the leveling speed of many fighters/mages will be helped when affliction spells are fixed. Though that will bring with it its own problems to balance as well....

Foragers can't supply crafters. Crafters in turn simply can't level to keep up with the goods fighters/mages need. On top of that, decay rate is insane.

These are the balance issues that Nevvy in my opinion really needs to clamp down on ASAP and make #1 priority (after fixing Tryker lands).

Re: Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:38 pm
by aelvana
I believe the first post says it ALL, however, it doesn't really work that way, because blind is broken. As long as blind and stun are the way they are, people will fight mobs way above their level, because it's easy to do so and they give 3k or close to it for large groups.

In other words, the first post here is right, but it's useless information thanks to blind and stun being broken.

Re: Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:44 pm
by korin77
I don't think they are leveling too fast. Right now it takes a full night just to get 1 or 2 levels in melee at level 100+ . It becomes longer and longer as you level. I don't think you should nerf one class just to fix another. You are required to kill about 45 creatures to level at 100, at 150 that probably increases to 90... I don't know about you but its already a grind.

If blind was the main cause of the problem then there would be no decay rate. As blind stops creatures from hitting you. If theres no decay rate people would not be complaining about this problem. So the majority of the people complaining aren't really using blind.

Re: Speedy advancement...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:50 pm
by aether4u
korin77 wrote:I don't think they are leveling too fast. Right now it takes a full night just to get 1 or 2 levels in melee at level 100+ . It becomes longer and longer as you level. I don't think you should nerf one class just to fix another. You are required to kill about 45 creatures to level at 100, at 150 that probably increases to 90... I don't know about you but its already a grind.

If blind was the main cause of the problem then there would be no decay rate. As blind stops creatures from hitting you. If theres no decay rate people would not be complaining about this problem. So the majority of the people complaining aren't really using blind.
I don't use Blind... then again, I rarely fight. Thing is, you can get to 100 in fight in relatively little time compared to the time it takes a crafter to get to the point where s/he can make you q100 items. The end-result being a lot of high-level melee fighters with no one around who can make them suitable equipment, and not enough low/midrange fighters who stay in that range to fund the crafter economy.