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Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:42 pm
by raynes
I got an email today with a buddy code in it. I have a few questions about this. First does it expire? Second if my friend is in another state, how can they try it without having to purchase the software?

Re: Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:01 pm
by lupine04
raynes wrote:I got an email today with a buddy code in it. I have a few questions about this. First does it expire? Second if my friend is in another state, how can they try it without having to purchase the software?
No, Raynes, you cannot have my buddy code!!!!! It's mine!!! My own!! My pre...

Oh.. umm...

Based on the email, they offer you the option of buying the software at the store or simply purchasing it online. I'm guessing that you either keep playing it with the buddy code and are simply billed as normal once the trial is up. Or, you cancel it and go to the store to buy a copy... though.. what if you wanted to carry over your character from the trial period into the full subscription...


Okay.. yeah.. that could use a bit more clarification, I think...

*pulls out megaphone*


Re: Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:10 pm
by raynes
lupine04 wrote:No, Raynes, you cannot have my buddy code!!!!! It's mine!!! My own!! My pre...
LOL... Actually I have my own and know of people who would love to try the game.

The email states "You will find below a Friend key. This key is precious, it will allow one of you friend to register to The Saga of Ryzom and explore Atys for 14 days, free of charge!"

Now how is it free of charge if they have to go out and buy the software?

The only problem is they are from other games and don't live in my area. They are weary about the game and don't want to spend $50 on the software. Most of them would probably try it if the software was free and they only had to pay a monthly fee up front.

Re: Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:24 pm
by jclifton
raynes wrote:I got an email today with a buddy code in it. I have a few questions about this. First does it expire? Second if my friend is in another state, how can they try it without having to purchase the software?

it states in the email
For this specific occasion, you are also allowed to share your installation CDs with your friend.
So you would have to give/mail your CDs so your friend could install the game, and he could mail them back.. costs about $1 to mail CDs in the mail..

EVERY game is going to want you to buy their software at release, so dont hold your breath about getting that for free, as your friend will have to go out and buy a box if they want to continue the subscription. With SWG they stated that they you HAD to buy another box to get another/new account because of the agreement they had with the people who were producing their software for store sales. Why would anyone want to publish it for in store sales if there was a big risk most would just download it, and if they didnt publish it for in store sales then lots of people wouldnt be able to get it either.

Re: Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:33 pm
by danadita
:::reads from printed email from SoR:::

"For this specific occasion, you are also allowed to share your installation CDs with your friend."

"After the initial free period <snip> purchase a box in store <snip> or do nothing and be automatically debited the box retail price at the end of the 14 days."

hmmmmm ....

I'm thinking you can get the download and put in the buddy code and you're set ... Payment of any kind looks like it follows after the two weeks are up.

Dang. Makes me wish I had friends - better yet! friends who would enjoy playing any kind of computer game with me. I don't know anybody my age who would even entertain the idea of games on a computer outside of solitaire.

<heavy sigh>

Re: Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:43 pm
by rlaltman
Fortunately my "friend" is my wife, who has convenient access to the CDs. And I don't see anything saying family members don't count as friends, so I think we're good to go... Now if only I can convince her that yet another level treadmill will be fun!

Re: Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:10 pm
by lupine04
raynes wrote:LOL... Actually I have my own and know of people who would love to try the game.
Play along, dammit!! You're no fun... boo-hiss...


Re: Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:19 pm
by evalisa
i would assume youd be able to DL it for the 14 days free

Re: Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 10:56 pm
by zunaah
Yes, but download the client where for free? DLing the client doesn't allow you immediate acces. You have to have a key.
I haven't found a DL site that doesn't charge up front for DLing the client.

I have the same delimia. The 'friends' that'd like to try it to are not in my state.

Re: Questions about buddy code email

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 2:06 am
by evalisa
i retract my previous post, after re-readign the mail there is no download link or anything

so yes they will need your keys so i guess its only a local friend or mail yours