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Newb on Tryker mainland. Where to solo?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:15 am
by ecclest
Hi all,

I just left newbland and got to Fairhaven. I've been running round looking at things and killing random monsters etc.. My problem is that I can't seem to find monsters right for my level. I'm 30odd fight, 20odd magic and crafting. All the monsters seem either too hard (3000xp) or wayyy to low (120xp). Does anyone have any advice on where to solo.

Also, in newbland I could make 10,000 dappers in no time killing Kipees and getting q21 stuff. But on the mainland the stuff I pickup is nearly worthless, even off some q40 Hard Kipee I killed.

Any advice would be welcome.


Re: Newb on Tryker mainland. Where to solo?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:30 am
by t41nt3d
There used to be alot of talk like this when the game came out, people saying its too hard on the mainland. Someone said once that Noobland is giving the wrong impression of the mainland, and it does. It seems on mainland things are twice as hard to kill with only half the xp. I cant realy remember if there was a solution but I've just gotten used to it. I think the game IS supposed to be that hard but Noobland gives the wrong impressions.

Re: Newb on Tryker mainland. Where to solo?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:56 am
by chazman
Try soloing up at Averndale in the north and smack the Vigorous Cloppers around for a bit they should provid about a 1400 or so XP for your level and there is always plenty of them. I started there at level 20 in both Melee and Offensive magic and its still OK at level 30+ odd for me. If you want good drops and max XP though you really need to group and tackle the bigger stuff.

Re: Newb on Tryker mainland. Where to solo?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 10:38 am
by ecclest
Thanks guys.

Pshaw! If I'd known I'd have stayed on newbland until the Kipees there were worthless xp-wise and have come across to the mainland at, like, level 50 and rich....

Vigorous Cloppers do indeed seem my best bet at the moment.

If there more than a couple of dozen people playing then I'd have a go at grouping... I can't decide whether I've got in on the ground-floor of something here, or if I'm going to be the only one here by November...

Re: Newb on Tryker mainland. Where to solo?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 10:39 am
by stomp
I also hit mainland yesterday.

And had the same problems.
So i desided to take a exploring tripp,
and take the deaths that comes with :
"I bet i can take that Mob.... *Wack* ... *Outch*"

And found several nice spots.

But and thats a big BUT :)
I found som problems with Tryker mainland design.

1. It cramps heaps of mobs together on small places.
They are actualy pushing eachother into the water.
I think <20% of tryker mainland can support mobs.

2. To many "invisible walls".

3. To difficult to get onto islands that actualy have some space.
I can fight, create nice armour and weapons.
But i cant get myself to land if the beach is 20cm higher than the water.

4. Suckling Yubos stucked together with Baying Goaris ???

5. Mobs that i get 170ihs xp from almost eat me alive and drop nothing usefull loot, But i can net 3000xp on another with 100% HP left and get nice loot :)

Basicly I like Tryker mainlans Waterworld.
To bad it cramps up the mobs, and are to difficult to access.
But have some nice spots.

Re: Newb on Tryker mainland. Where to solo?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:36 pm
by jokque
stomp wrote:
2. To many "invisible walls".

YES ! gah, im so tired of all the damn invisible walls and inaccessible islands !

Re: Newb on Tryker mainland. Where to solo?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:48 pm
by mboeing
jokque wrote:YES ! gah, im so tired of all the damn invisible walls and inaccessible islands !
I got use to them by now. Just look under water if the land is overhanging at any place, then you can't access that coast.

Never understood why they have no true 3d collision detection but it must be hard for them or it would have been implemented.

Re: Newb on Tryker mainland. Where to solo?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:54 pm
by sx4rlet
jokque wrote:YES ! gah, im so tired of all the damn invisible walls and inaccessible islands !
what invissible walls?

*bump* OUCH!

oh this one!

Re: Newb on Tryker mainland. Where to solo?

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:08 am
by rugster
Scrap char, make new char, dont leave noob land until you have 10 mill.

Otherwise, stay in noobland till lvl 30 in either melee or magic and then leave and kill proper mobs. Or find a group.. it is a multiplayers game, if you can't find one, make one.

"Oi prefer dying alot or you think we could help each other??"