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Adventurers... Remember us?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:21 pm
by todd1
I do not want to craft. I do not want to harvest, forage, or dig.
I want to support my guild with my sword arm, keen aim, or arcane knowledge.

I want to help protect my guild's interests by securing dangerous areas. I'll secure these areas from rival guilds, wild animals, maybe even purposefully evil forces. Whatever the case, I want to support my guild's crafters, but not be a slave to their leveling rate.

I want to be self sufficient, yet I want to be valuable to a group. I want to know that although I can survive as an individual, the group experience is in many ways more rewarding. I want that to be my choice.

I want to be valuable to my guild as a soldier, hunter, or explorer. I want trophies of my accomplishments, rewards for time spent, and visible testaments to my skill at my chosen profession.

I do not want tedious, unchanging tasks that increase a phantom statistic (fame) that, if used to it's greatest potential, currently will get me favorable prices from NPC vendors. The very same vendors that, if I follow the game's overall player interaction model, I should never need to use. I'd be working with player crafters and merchants. You know, the same ones from my guild.

I expressed these things in terms as simple as I could so that they would not be viewed as flames. From my perspective, these are the biggest points of this game which either by design or by circumstance make the current state of the game not fun for hunter/adventurer types. I'll consider the technical issues the growing pains that all of these games suffer in the first few weeks to some degree. Some better, some worse. I'd have been willing to give it more time, had the actual gameplay been more than a resource/material hunt.

Maybe the game will mature into a more complete experience. Maybe balance issues will be sorted out over time. Maybe guild quests will kick in and give those who worked hard to build a guild hall some kind of goal. Maybe spell casters will need to learn more than blind. Hey, maybe there will still be people paying for this game by the time this stuff gets addressed. Maybe.

See ya,


Re: Adventurers... Remember us?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:24 pm
by teleios
I'm sorry you feel this way, but thank you for putting it in a different perspective. So many times this has come up with the flaming type attitude that just angers me. We all have our opinions/thoughts and I respect that you aren't trying to flame the game.

Yes, there are issues right now - hopefully they will get fixed soon. Perhaps come give it a try in awhile, as for right now - enjoy whatever you do and I hope to see you elsewhere.

Best of luck.

: )


Re: Adventurers... Remember us?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:27 pm
by joffy
cough *coverupforflame* cough

Re: Adventurers... Remember us?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:28 am
by pandorae
We are all sorry to see you go Thorn! Hopefully the game will mature to its potential soon, and the community will be blessed by all of our departed friends rejoining us!

As far as the above post regarding flaming, nothing will ever get corrected without constructive criticism. Please attempt to respect it when it is present.