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In-Game Lag/Delay Issue

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:26 pm
by larwood
Hey guys. I want to thank everyone that has already helped me try and sort this out. I thought that maybe getting it here in the forum might make it available to more readers and potentially reach a solution.

The Problem:
The game runs at roughly 50% speed. All spells, actions, movement - even forage progress bars, move at about half-speed - then do a rubber band-like effect to catch up with realtime.

Example1: I'll see in my system info log that I was attacked by a mob, then about 5 seconds later I see the animation of the attack on screen, but all in slow motion.

Example2: The top bar, showing the amount of time left on a forage node, slowly drops to about midpoint - then suddenly the node expires.

It's very frustrating and results in excessive DP.


My System:
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2.66 Ghz (2 cpu's)
6GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM (OCZ Gold)
ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT
ABIT IP35-E Motherboard
WD 640GB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA HDD
Windows 7 64bit

Ryzom worked fine on this setup a few weeks ago - but last week something happened and now the slowness won't go away no matter what I try. (It stopped working one day to the next, nothing changed from my knowledge.)

(It runs fine on a borrowed XP laptop, so I know my ISP and internet connection are not the problem.)

Things I've tried, but still haven't fixed it:
- Windows restore to a few weeks ago, when it was working.
- Uninstall any recent automatic updates, turn off auto-update.
- Reinstall those same updates, turn on auto-update.
- Update video card drivers.
- Load game in OpenGL, Load game in Direct 3D.
- Perform a windows repair from windows 7 install discs.
- Uninstall Ryzom, reinstall from scratch 3 times to different locations.
- Clean out inside of PC, check connections on cables and ram.
- Unplug some older IDE/SATA secondary HDD's.
- Reboot x 500.
- Check for virus/spyware with results of a clean PC.
- Download free trial of WoW to test another game, no lag there.

At this point I can't think of what might be causing it. I know its a problem with my PC - something that either broke or fried or whatever that isn't communicating with Ryzom.

I don't know if its my CPU, Ram, MB, HDD failure, or something jacked up with Windows. If anyone is a tech guru and thinks they might have the solution to what is causing me all this grief - I would love to hear your suggestions.


Re: In-Game Lag/Delay Issue

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:03 pm
by larwood

No it's not fixed, but the plot thickens.

I set up an old outdated laptop next to my desktop yesterday. The desktop is plugged into the modem/router and the laptop was going wifi from the same modem/router.

The laptop, a much older and slower machine, using wifi, was getting a much better connection in game.

UP ~400
DL ~500
Ping ~150

But my computer, which has better everything, connected via ethernet cable, was getting:

UP ~1200
DL ~2600
Ping ~150

So, something was causing my computer to get much slower connection speeds, even with a better (ethernet) connection.

I replaced the cable, with no improvement. I ran multiple virus/spyware scans on the desktop, with 0 results found.

What else would cause my computer to get much slower connection rates, through the same ISP and modem as the laptop?

Re: In-Game Lag/Delay Issue

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:58 pm
by larwood

So, after simply connecting a secondary "empty" HDD, everything decided to run smoothly.

I don't know why, or understand it at all. But it works, and I'm not going to tweak with anything.


Re: In-Game Lag/Delay Issue

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:23 pm
by raisrev1
Well it does seem odd but first thing that comes to my mind... How much free space did you have on the first HDD? Ryzom was always a resource hog from what I recal. Duno if that has improved any lately.