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Been gone a few years.
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:35 pm
by andisty2
So I just joined back up to play Ryzom again. I haven't played since before the outposts were put in the game. So was hanging around Yrkanis getting used to casting spells and harvesting. I only saw 3 people the whole time.
Is that the peak crowd or do all of the cool people hang out in a different city/region?
Re: Been gone a few years.
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:57 am
by ajsuk
wow a PF, welcome back! =)
And uh, well population ain't what it used to be lets say that... There are usually more people about during peak times though. Evening GMT & weekends. =)
Re: Been gone a few years.
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:05 am
by splatula
Heya Andistyr!
As I said ingame as Elorae, both Wackyanne (my main) and my RLSO, Oroboroed, are returning. I think we are generally going to be on at similar times, and hope to join up soon. I'm just playing an alt while I await Oro's brother, then will be back in Yrk and beyond. I think we both left around the same time, so we may have learning in common to do