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Re: New Player

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:41 pm
by acridiel
Well,... just ignore the fact that others are going to learn about this game even later than you ;)
And just accept that at the moment the Trial Isle is a little understaffed.
Having a community of a million players, three quarters of which are a bunch of jerks, isn't worth loosing a great game we all enjoy together over ;)

Welcome to Atys :)
Enjoy your stay!


Re: New Player

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:57 pm
by sidusar
The sad thing is that I've known a great many players who still loved the game but left because there weren't enough players... thereby making themselves part of the reason why there's not enough players.

It's a self-perpetuating cycle that's rather hard to break out off. :rolleyes: